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Churel - Wikipedia. The Churel, also spelled as Chuiaels, Cijurreyls, Churreyl, Chudail, Chudel, Chuṛail, Cuḍail or Cuḍel (Hindi: चुडैल, Urdu: چڑیل) is a female demon in South- East Asia, and well known in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan. She is typically described as "the ghost of an unpurified mother", but because she is often described as living in trees, she is also called a tree- spirit.[1] According to some legends, a woman who dies during childbirth or pregnancy or due to suffering at the hands of her in- laws will come back as a Churel to seek revenge, particularly targeting the males in her family. The Churel is mostly described as extremely ugly and hideous but she has the power to shape- shift and disguise herself as a beautiful woman to lure men to the mountains where she either kills them or sucks up their virility, turning them into old men.
Many accounts are given on how to ward off this demon or prevent her creation. Special measures are taken in order to stop her from coming after her family to torment them. The family might perform special rites and rituals if any woman in their family who is likely to become a Churel, dies. The corpses of the women are also buried in a particular way in order to prevent her from finding her family. Watch Love Story Online Facebook.
The Churel is known as the Pichal Peri in Pakistan, Petni/Shakchunni in Bangladesh and Pontianak in Malaysia and Indonesia. The word "Churel" is also used colloquially for a witch in India and Pakistan.[2] She has also remained prevalent in modern- day literature, cinema, television, and radio and many references to her activities and appearance are still made in rural regions in South- East Asia.[3]Classes[edit]Three types of Churels are mentioned by Rajaram Narayan Saletore. Poshi Churels are those who did not enjoy sexual pleasures, so they "fondle" children, but are good wives to their husbands. Soshi Churels, the most commonly described Churels, are neglected and harassed by their relatives in life so they return after death to drain the blood of the men of their family. Toshi Churels are still bonded to their loving husbands, and bring him joy.[4]Creation[edit]The Legend of Churel supposedly originated from Persia where they were described as being the spirits of women who died with "grossly unsatisfied desires".[5]In South- East Asia, the Churel is the ghost of a woman who either died during childbirth, while she was pregnant, or during the prescribed "period of impurity".
The period of impurity is a common superstition in India where a woman is said to be impure during her period and the twelve days after she has given birth.[1][6][7][8][9][1. According to some sources, in India, if a woman dies an unnatural death or during childbirth, especially during Diwali, she will become a Churel.[1. Watch Wolf Creek 2 Download. The Korwas of Mirzapur say that if a woman dies in a lying room (the place where women give birth) she becomes a Churel. The Pataris and Majhwars say that if a girl dies during pregnancy or when she is unclean she becomes a Churel and appears in the form of a pretty little girl in white clothes and seduces men away to the mountains; the only way to free those captured is to sacrifice a goat. The Bhuiyars say that if a girl dies before she is twenty days old, she becomes a Churel.[1]In Panjab, if a man dies on a bed his soul becomes a Bhoot (ghost), and a woman becomes a Churel.[1.
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The Kharwars think that when the soul leaves the body, it becomes air but if it comes in contact with a person, the soul becomes troublesome.[6] In western India especially Gujarat, any woman who dies an unnatural death is believed to turn into a Churel, also known as jakihn, jakhai, mukai, nagulai and alvantin.[2. Originally, it was believed that only a low- caste woman turns to a churel.[1.
In Bangladesh, Petni/Shakchunni are formed when a woman dies unmarried or if she has unfulfilled desires.[2. Appearance[edit]The true form of a Churel is described as extremely ugly with saggy breasts, a black tongue, and thick rough lips although sometimes she is reported to have no mouth at all.

She may have a pot belly, claw- like hands, and scruffy, long pubic hair. They are also described to have pig faces with large fangs or human- like faces with sharp tusks and long, wild hair.[1. She is sometimes described as having a white front and a black back but she invariably has her feet turned backward and sometimes, she roams naked.[1][9]A Churel may also be a shape- shifter. She can assume the form of a beautiful young woman, carrying a lantern with her head covered to charm any man she comes upon.[1][1.
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Korwas believe that a Churel appears as a beautiful woman while the Patari and Majhwar think that she appears as a young girl in white clothes.[1][9]According to the poem Lalla Radha and The Churel, she takes the form of a lovely woman with alluring eyes but her appearance is marred by her backward turned feet.[7]The Petni/Shakchunni of Bangladesh wears traditional bangles made of shell (a sign of married women) and red and white sari.[2. Activities[edit]. Within Hindu belief, Churels may become dakinis and serve the goddess Kali. Churels are most often reported in and around graveyards, cemeteries, tombs, and abandoned battlefields, thresholds of houses, crossroads, toilets and squalid places.[1.
If the Churel was one who died due to ill- treatment by family members, she avenges her early death by going for the males of her family, starting with the youngest. She would drain him of blood until he is shriveled up into an old man and then go for the next male. When all the males in her family are done, she moves on to other people. Any person who has seen a Churel can also be attacked by a deadly disease and those who answer to her night calls can end up dead.[1][6][7][9][2][1. In the poem Lalla Radha and the Churel, a priest warns the protagonist to not go near the Peepul trees because that is where the Churel lives and she might take him away and kill him.
He still went to the Peepul tree and she called out to him in a sweet tone and seduced him until he went to her. Blinded by his desire, he did not notice that while he lay with her, his body seemed to get frailer until he died in a state of ecstasy.[7] In The Female Element in Indian Culture, it says, “The Churel runs after and seeks to possess every man whom she meets, for, it is said, her carnal appetite remains unsatisfied in life”. Remembrance Full Movie In English. She also possesses girls during dances, causing a trance.[1.
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