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Gallic Magnetic and the Fractional Crystallization of Space Rock – Oi Polloi. On Friday night Finders Keepers main- man Andy Votel is playing a set at that Blue Dot festival called ‘The History of Space Rock’. To get your mind in the mood, here’s part one of a mix of the sort of stuff he’ll be playing (part two can be found here), as well as a pretty extensive write- up about some of the songs involved. This is by far the longest article we’ve ever featured on our blog, and is NOT designed for light reading.
This behemoth might take a few sittings to get through, but if you have any interest in the curious world of French space rock, then you’re in the right place. Pour yourself nine cups of tea, turn up your speakers and prepare to blast your mind into the outer realm… 1.
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On Friday night Finders Keepers main-man Andy Votel is playing a set at that Blue Dot festival called ‘The History of Space Rock’. British Stock-Car Racing from 1950's to 1970's. This article lists lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender-related films. The list includes films that deal with or feature significant LGBT characters or issues, and.
SPACE- ROCK NUGGETS AND HOW THE HIP FRENCH WON THE WAR ON DRAAGS. Having been a fan of space- themed music all my life (my first record was a children's version of ‘Space Oddity’ sung by a puppet cat called Major Tom), I have come to the conclusion that all the best sci- fi themed music of the 2. French. Here’s a list of ten black plastic reasons why I think France is the spiritual home of space- rock in all its guises, from sound effects records through to the birth of cosmic disco. ‘Cadmus Le Robot De L'espace’ - Jean- Jacques Perrey (Philips - France 1. As an ex- pharmacist- come- keyboard salesman and bastard protégé of the musique concrète movement, it's fair to say that Jean Jacques Perrey is the true godfather of Gallic magnetic ‘pop’ music. Having made his vinyl debut in 1. Perrey emerged from his slumber in 1. Whereas Parisian revolutionaries like Pierre Schaffer and Pierre Henry manipulated magnetic tape in a hope to destroy the foundations of modern- music entirely, Perrey took their techniques and placed them in polite theatrical context, distilling the Musique concrète modus operandi but providing an interstellar vessel for the gentrification of electronic pop music in the process. Switching between lab- coat and fine French tailoring, Perrey's wish to demystify his medium won him the hearts of Jean Cocteau and Edith Piaf, securing some solid stepping stones in his career.
This early vinyl record for the man who, against all odds, put the melody in the magnets contains some of the earliest snippets of space music en Français and synthesised sound effects, combining the sound of the Ondioline keyboard (the contested first ever sound synthesiser.. France) with tape loops and echo machines—complete with a spoken word comic book narrative. The music on this record would provide Perrey's own blueprint for his zillion selling collaborations with Gershon ‘Popcorn’ Kingsley (with titles like ‘Visa to the Stars’ and ‘Spooks in Space’) and the sample staple “EVA” (for extra vehicular activity), which 1.
All of which paved the way for many of the following records on this list.‘Barbarella’ - Michel Magne & Jean- Claude Vannier (Unreleased - France 1. Universal - France 2. Much of France's unrivalled obsession with sci- fi pop and space- rock can be attributed to the country's vibrant comic- book culture. The boom of the comic book artist was to flourish in the 1. Watch The Boondock Saints HD 1080P there.
Mœbius and Philippe Druillet's magazine compendium Métal Hurlant (eventually released in America under the name Heavy Metal), inspiring artists, directors and musicians of the post ‘Mai 6. Magma's lead vocalist Klaus Blasquiz, who would design comic books and record sleeves such as Bernard Szajner's pivotal ZED LP). One of the earliest, most respected and inimitable pioneers of French ‘bande dessinée’ was an artist called Jean- Claude Forest, whose combination of pop- art surrealism, cosmic imagery, space- craft illumination and the scantily clad female form won him the attention of controversial publisher Eric Losfeld (the man who published Serge Gainsbourg's Histoire De Melody Nelson story and the kinky comics of Belgium's Guy Peellaert, as well as Italy's Guido Crepax). After repeatedly creating cosmic worlds for a series of raven haired doppelganger characters called Hypocrite, Baby Cyanide and Marie Mathematique, it would be his first blonde haired character who would send his career into an interstellar overdrive, under the name Barbarella. In a climate where blondes really did have more fun, the Dino De Laurentiis acquired movie rights for Barbarella gave French director Roger Vadim the opportunity to cast his wife Jane Fonda in the lead role, leaving most of the cast and crew jobs to French and European participants including Paco Rabanne in wardrobe, Claude Renoir behind the lens and voice actor Gilli Smyth (on the eve of the formation of her band GONG) behind the curtain.. De Laurentiis and Vadim's initial casting of legendary composer Michel Magne was a truly inspired choice.
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Made famous for his film work on the bizarre black comedy crime trilogy Fantamos, the impeccably dressed Magne would later become recognised as pivotal figure in progressive French music. Dedicating the concept of his entire first solo album Musique Tachiste to an obscure art movement combined with an anti- Musique- concrète manifesto, it was plain to see that he planned to change the course of popular French music.
Amongst other accolades Magne would found and operate the famous Strawberry Studio (not the Stockport one) at Hérouville castle, where space- rock artists like Magma, Pink Floyd, David Bowie and a host of French prog- rock legends would record. He would also invent a metaphysical amusement park called Dismal- Land for his 1.
Moshe Mouse Crucifixion 4. Blek- le- Rat stencil- art protégé Banksy came up with the same idea.. In 1. 96. 6 Magne did a pioneering collaboration with pianist Martial Solal called Electrode which required the help of an unknown, fresh- faced contemporary arranger by the name of Jean- Claude Vannier (the man who would later provide the music for Serge Gainsbourg's Histoire De Melody Nelson album). The Electrode album would galvanise the writing partnership of Magne and Vannier, forging something of a Mr.
Miyagi/Daniel La. Russo partnership that soon saw Vannier move on to his zen master's plateau. In late 1. 96. 7 at the Barclay studio in Paris, Magne and Vannier would team up with orchestrator Jean- Claude Petit and Irish born singer Jackie ‘White Horses’ Lee to record the first draft soundtrack theme- music to the cinematic adaptation of Jean- Claude Forest's Barbarella. Embodying Magne and Vannier's stylistic trademarks of huge Eastern inspired stings, loud plucked bass, and crystalline percussion, this theme stands up as a blueprint for the last wave of sensual Yé- yé pop before 4.
LPs. Tragically, but typically, the cues composed by Magne and arranged by Vannier were turned- down by the Hollywood partners in favour of replacements recorded by the New York born, Paris educated Charles Fox and kaptain of kitsch Bob Crewe. In the same year Magne would enter the studio to record two tracks for a Brigitte Bardot vehicle called A Cœur Joie, which required the English language vocals of a young, unknown, travelling beatnik called David Gilmour (on the eve of Gilmour's own induction into space- rock poster boys Pink Floyd), who appears uncredited on any format of the film, or it's rare soundtrack. With or without the Barbarella connection, Magne's legacy as a seldom recognised guardian of Gallic space- rock still grows from strength- to- strength.