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The Prophecy: Forsaken Full Movie

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The Witness of 7. ADHome » Sermons » Prophecy » The Witness of 7. ADJesus Christ Is Lord!"But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city." Matthew 2. The Destruction of Jerusalem by Roman Armiesunder command of Titus in AD 7. By David Roberts."And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Matthew 2. There is no single greater evidence or proof of the divine origin of Christianity, the.

Daniels 70 week prophecy that is also known as the prophecy of weeks explained with all the date evidence and bible truth on the 70 weeks of Daniel. There is no single greater evidence of the divine origin of Christianity and the accuracy of the Bible than the prophecies and their fulfillments regarding the. Allison, the new guardian to the ancient manuscript, continues to try to protect it from another group of renegade angels bent on bringing on the end of the world.

Lord Jesus Christ as King of the kingdom of God, and. Watch The Mechanic Online Metacritic more. Bible than the prophecies and their fulfillments.

Jerusalem by the Roman armies under Titus in 7. AD. Table of Contents. This Study Exalts the Lord Jesus Christ. There Is Value in Studying this Subject This Event Is Ignored by Most A Complete Study Is Beyond these Sermons A Very Simple Timeline A Reminder about Prophetic Language.

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Prophecies of Moses. Prophecies of David. Prophecies of Isaiah. Kingdom Prophecies. Prophecies of Daniel. Prophecy of Joel. Prophecy of Amos.

Prophecy of Haggai. Prophecy of Micah. Prophecies of Malachi.

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Prophecy of John the Baptist. Prophecies of Jesus. Prophecy of Caiaphas. Prophecy of the Jews. Prophecies of Peter.

Prophecy of Stephen. Prophecies of Paul. Prophecy of James. Parables of Jesus.

Olivet Prophecy of Jesus. Was the Gospel Preached in all the World? For a Witness to all Nations. Then Shall the End Come.

Why We Are Not Preterists. Conclusion. This Study Exalts the Lord Jesus Christ God made the same Jesus of Nazareth that the Jews crucified both Lord and Christ (Acts 2: 3. God had raised Jesus from the dead, Whom the wicked Jews had profanely killed (Acts 2: 2.

In case they had forgotten, Peter quoted Psalm 1. He treated enemies! Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah and Christ: He was also David's Lord (Acts 2: 3.

The untoward generation of Jews that had crucified Him was in serious trouble (Acts 2: 4. This sober warning in Peter's sermon was due to a coming great and terrible day (Acts 2: 2.

The regal prophecy of Jesus Christ crushing and humiliating his enemies in Psalm 1. N. T. (Matt 2. 2: 4. Mark 1. 2: 3. 6; Acts 2: 3. I Cor 1. 5: 2. 5; Heb 1: 1. Read a regal prophecy of God mocking enemies and crowning Christ king (Ps 2: 1- 1. Acts 4: 2. 5- 2. 8).

Read also a regal prophecy of Jesus Christ being crowned Lord of all (Psalm 8: 1- 9; Heb 2: 5- 1. Read a regal prophecy of God anointing His Prince with conquering power (Ps 4.

Heb 1: 8- 9). Gabriel told Mary her great son would be King on David's throne forever (Luke 1: 3. Matt 2: 6). Jews and Romans mocked Him as King of the Jews, but He was the King of God's kingdom; and at His ascension into heaven He took the throne of David (Ps 1. Is 9: 6- 7; Rev 3: 7; 5: 5; 2. They despised His authority, but He now had all authority from heaven to hell (Matt 2. He humbled Himself to human birth and crucifixion, but God had highly exalted Him (Phil 2: 5- 1.

He held His angelic legions back to die, but then brought them in judgment (Matt 2. He is King at God's right hand (Rom 8: 3. Eph 1: 2. 0; Col 3: 1; Heb 1: 3; 8: 1; 1. I Pet 3: 2. 2). Though once a Child in a manger and once a Lamb at His slaughter, Jesus now sits as King over all.

Falling on Him in repentance broke some; He fell on others to grind them to powder (Matt 2. If a comely king is one that crushes his enemies (Pr 3. Lord Jesus Christ is most comely! For those who have read God's terrible judgments on disobedience and rebellion in the Old Testament, is there any wonder that the destruction of the profane murderers of the Son of God should far exceed those by every measure? And they do (Dan 1. Matt 1. 2: 4. 3- 4. Luke 1. 9: 1. 1- 2.

I Thess 2: 1. 4- 1. Heb 2: 1- 4; 6: 4- 8; 1. The greatest visible demonstration of the glory, power, and reign of Jesus Christ is based on the perfect fulfillment of His warnings and prophecies about crushing His enemies. There is no other event quite like it in the N.

T., which we can witness and analyze from historical records and results. There is little to no historical evidence of the person of Jesus of Nazareth and His other works. Of course, we believe the record written by the apostles more than anything written by any man. But what happened after His ascension? Did He truly take David's throne? Is the N. T. fully true? Jewish destruction was preached everywhere for a witness before the judgment fell (Matt 2.

There Is Value in Studying this Subject It provides an historical, prophetical, and Scriptural framework to help grasp the New Testament. The prophecies confused by most and postponed for some irrelevant future date by others are seen! The Lord Jesus Christ is properly seen as the Blessed and Only Potentate, rather than a theological concept, a longhaired hippie, a persecuted loser, a crucifix, or a disappointed Dispensationalist! The warnings of Jesus Christ the King to the church at Ephesus and others takes on greater weight. The seriousness that ought to characterize our love and devotion to Jesus Christ is magnified greatly. Such wonderful fulfillment of such great details can only confirm His other promises and warnings.

It saves us from the numerous prophetic speculations and heresies that are popular with many today. Watch Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Full Movie. The burden of the apostles' Great Commission on saints today and the idea that Jesus Christ cannot return until the gospel is preached worldwide by Billy Graham and Benny Hinn are both wrong! The goals of these sermons are to (1) exalt Jesus Christ as King of the kingdom of God, (2) confirm clear Bible prophecies for faith, (3) give true understanding of the Bible, and (4) create thanksgiving for worldwide preaching by the apostles that brought the Gentiles into the kingdom of God. The glory of Jesus Christ, the exaltation of His word, and loving service to Him should be the prime motives of all human thought and activity, and of any Bible study, including that of eschatology. As Jewish legalism increasingly threatened the gospel preached by Paul and the other apostles, the Lord Jesus tore the old covenant to shreds in its city, temple, priesthood, altar, nation, and people.

Why did Jesus invoke heaven and earth passing away to confirm the truth of his words? Many scoffers would reject His words and/or try to steal from Him the glory of His great victory over His enemies by pushing His detailed prophecies into the distant and vague future (Matt 2.

There is value in seeing God's judgment on sinners, for it encourages to righteousness (Ps 5. This Event Is Ignored by Most Most pulpits are totally silent about this subject, especially in casual and contemporary churches, where acceptable kingdom worship of reverence and godly fear has been rejected (Heb 1. The entertainment of carnal hearers has replaced Bible preaching in most places (II Tim 4: 1- 4). Mel Gibson's "Passion" innuendo that the Jews killed Jesus was blasted for anti- Semitism, which showed how much men are ignorant of history and obsessed with being politically correct. Christians now want Jesus in a manger scene of a Christmas play or on a cross in an Easter play. Every text that teaches it is applied ignorantly to some sensational future events that affect no one.

Most that make the warnings future, also teach that believers do not go through the tribulation, so the warnings and instructions of leaving your stuff behind and fleeing to the mountains are vain! When the warnings are applied to 7. Watch The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe Online Fandango on this page.

AD, Hal Lindsay and Tim La. Haye cannot sell lying novels! After defrauding Jesus of His kingship and horrific judgment on His enemies, they turn to debate whether He must be accepted as Lord or not in order to be saved and go to heaven!

What heresy! Due to national and personal arrogance, Americans presume prophecy revolves around them! Sober readers must ignore their worthless generation and hear Jesus address the Jews of His day!

This is a great event in the New Testament, near to our Lord's death and resurrection and Pentecost.