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Dis Lexic Fan. Fiction. Author has written 7. Harry Potter, Elder Scroll series, Sekirei, High School Dx.
SeerKing is a fanfiction author that has written 24 stories for Familiar of Zero, Ranma, Harry Potter, Naruto, Code Geass, Campione!/カンピオーネ! Bleach, High. Small Role, Big Impact is when a minor character (an "Under-Five" line player, as they used to say) who, through his or her actions or words, has an impact. If u find any movie with download link unavailable leave a comment under that movie i will reupload quick. Added: 9 yrs ago : length: 1:57:12: file size: 700.29 MB : language: Japanese: subtitle: English : tags: onmyoji,japanese,movies,demon,warrior.
Anime, Series y Peliculas en Linea en Alta Calidad y sin Restricciones, completamente gratis. Watch Android Cop Download Full.
D/ハイスクールD×D, Mass Effect, Code Geass, Naruto, Rosario + Vampire, Vampire Knight, Batman, Game of Thrones, Bleach, One Piece, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Fairy Tail, A Certain Scientific Railgun/とある科学の超電磁砲, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Dragon Ball Z, Soul Eater, Power Rangers, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, RWBY, Pokémon, X- overs, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Fate/stay night, Legend of Zelda, Dragon Age, Needless/ニードレス, Strike Witches, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Teen Titans, Campione!/カンピオーネ!, Skullgirls, Sunrider, Buso Renkin, Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール, Destiny, Underworld, and Deltora Quest. I don't claim to own my profile picture. Name: Dis Lexic. Age: 2.
British. Tea, fish and chips, mince pies etc. PSN handle: Dis. Lexic. I play Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Destiny, Titanfall 2 and Overwatch.
And this time next week I'll be pulling my hair out at Nioh. Something that doesn't make sense to me is how the Ritual in the Graveyard works in storys where Harry is raised away from the Wizarding World then comes back for the Tornement. The Ritual calls for the Blood of Enemy and Voldemort states that he could use any Wizard who hated him, meaning that the victim would have to view Voldie as an enemy, but why would Harry care about Voldie or consider him an enemy when he has only been in the Wizarding world for a short amount of time? Because he killed his parents? That could work, but it doesn't work in stories where the Potters abandon Harry. As a brit, something thats always annoyed me is when people use American school system terms for a story set in Britain when I'm pretty sure there completely different.
While I cant exactly blaim the authors for not knowing since I dont know how the American school system works, it still annoys me. People who change the tense they use mid sentence. Or people who write in the future tense. God thats annoying as hell! Asking me to update specific storys. THAT SHITS ANNOYING AND MAKES ME EVEN MORE UNLIKELY TO GO BACK AND DO IT!
Referring to my Outsider stories as SI's. THERE NOT GOD DAMN IT! Just because their written in the first person and an OC, does not mean that they are SI! None of the characters are anything like me! True, they tend to get certain elements of me, but they are NOT ME! STOP IT! OCs WARNING!
THIS SECTION MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR MY STORIES! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! On a side note, feel free to use any of these characters, just make sure you give a shout out to me and link me the story. Name: Warlock 'Lock' Magnus. Species: human. Story: Persona Effect.
Appearance: A 2. 0 year old human with pale skin, a sharp face, dark brown hair that brushed his shoulders with his bangs swept to the sides and black eyes. Personality and history: Lock is the product of of a bad home life, with a drunk father and a mother who was rarly home as she tried to keep the family afloat and spent most of her time arguing with his father when she was. The only reason he didn't withdraw into himself or start lashing out at others was because of the woman who lived below his flat, a Japanese swords- master who took Lock under her wing and taught him control and swordsmanship, as well as well as giving him a good roll modal. As a result of this, Lock has an extremely clear set of morals and a sense of honour to rival that of a Samurai. Unfortunately, he is also extremely leery of authority with a tendency towards sarcasm, not to mention incredibly lazy. Powers and Abilities: Persona user.
His Persona is Gilgamesh and it possesses the same powers as the Heroic Spirit with the same name. He can also utilize that power without summoning his Persona, even in the real world.
Powerful Biotics: Lock is the most powerful Biotic recorded, allowing him to utilise his powers at the same level as an Asari Commando without needing an Amp. Watch Fight For Your Right Revisited Online Mic. He uses a variety of unique techniques in conjunction with his sword. Wild Card, Weapon- smith: Lock has abilities similar to that of a Wild Card in that he can turn the bonds he has with others into power. However, rather than Persona, Lock transforms those bonds into weapons. Incredible speed and strength: Lock can move fast enough to be invisible to the human eye and is strong enough to take a Krogan head- butt without flinching. Master swordsman.
Equipment: Sword: Lock has a sword that is unnaturally sharp and strong. Made of an unknown material, the sword can cut through almost anything and can be used to channel and amplify Biotics. Coat: Locks coat is made of an experimental fabric that is strong enough to withstand Mass Accelerator fire while still being extremely light. Outsider Chronicles OCs. Outsider: An Outsider is the term used for a soul from one world who died and was reborn into another they know as fiction. There presence acts as a magnet and draws other 'worlds' together.
They tend to be quite powerful as they follow different rules than the other occupants of the world, as well as have connections to more than one story within the world they live in. Outsiders aren't limited to OCs and its entirely possible for souls to be reborn as themselves in a different world. They have incredibly powerful souls, meaning that anything that affects the Soul is twisted. Attempting to possess an Outsider will often result in the possessor being completely crushed and absorbed by the Outsiders Soul, transforming them into a power source or simply erasing them from existence.
When it comes to measuring power, do it from the original story they were born into (EG, if they were born into the DXD world, measure there power against characters from that world, not the crossovers added later). New Soul: An Outsider born as a new character (IE, an OC). In order to change events they have to interact with the actual characters in some way, even if its simply a letter.
Replacement Soul: An Outsider reborn as one of the characters from his new world (EG, Sasuke from Breaking the Curse). For them, simply existing is enough to derail the plot of whatever world they live in because they are one of the characters. Still have to interact to affect other worlds though. Pseudo Outsider: Technically not a True Outsider as they are not 'reborn', these are individuals who are victims of Dis' boredom, usually people snatched from their original world and dumped into a new one as they are. They cannot access Outsider Mode and their other traits are weaker, although that doesn't stop Dis from adding it later on, should he get bored again. Outsider Mode: A state of being that only a powerful Outsider can enter. In this state, they have the ability to tap into the powers of other Outsiders and use them as if they were their own.
While in this state, they are beyond commanding by anyone, even the Watchers and the Almighty. They often enter a more 'feral' state, driven by whatever powerful desire triggered the transformation, although they don't lose any of their mental faculties and the drive can be hard to notice. In this state, all Outsiders bare an eight pointed star somewhere on their body representing the fact that they bring chaos with them wherever they go. They also tend to glow and their hair transforms into a gasius state resembling a nebula.
Sensory Powers: Outsiders are far more attuned to the Spirit World than most Souls, largely because they have passed through it on the way to being reborn. As a result, they tend to sense things about others that most others wouldn't, usually when the being in question also has a strong connection to the Spirit World or is hiding something. This sense is often accompanied with hallucinations and is terrifying to the Outsider as they are presented with something with so much more power than them they know they cant win. World Magnetism: The trait that results in different worlds that would normally never meet being dragged together.