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The Boston Red Sox Have Finally Found a Good Reason to Own an Apple Watch. Smartwatches have long felt like a gadget in search of a purpose. However, it seems the Boston Red Sox have finally discovered one thing they are actually good at: cheating. According to complaint filed by New York Yankees’ general manager Brian Cashman and later corroborated by Major League Baseball, it seems the Boston Red Sox used the messaging function on Apple Watches to steal signs between Yankees pitchers and catchers and then relay that info to its batters. According to the The New York Times, the Red Sox told league investigators that team personnel had been instructed to monitor instant- replay video and then send the signs to trainers in the dugout via their Apple Watches. The trainers would then pass on the info to the players, thus giving them an advantage before an incoming pitch. Stealing signs isn’t anything new for baseball, but the use of an Apple Watch is a pretty dastardly use of modern technology.
Last season, the Los Angeles Dodgers were found guilty of cheating when the team used laser rangefinders to position its players in the outfield. Of course, in true Red Sox fashion, the team countered by filing a (probably bogus) complaint alleging that the Yankees used a camera from its YES television network to steal signs as well.
Red Sox fans have also seemed to have latched on the Apple Watch, not because of the tech itself, but because of their never- ending inferiority complex that flares up anytime the Yankees are mentioned. One Bostonian even went so far as to say “This is the first time I’ve ever wanted to wear an Apple Watch.” I guess congratulations are in order to Tim Cook and company for finding a way to cross over into a new demographic. As someone who went to college in Boston, this kind of vitriol is pervasive across the entire region. I once went to a movie theater near Fenway, and after the film concluded (which was not related to sports at all) some members of Red Sox nation decided they would celebrate the ending by chanting “Jeter Sucks.” True story.
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Dec. 21, 2012, wasn't the end of the world, and here's why. Red Sox fans have also seemed to have latched on the Apple Watch, not because of the tech itself, but because of their never-ending inferiority complex that flares up. You sleep with your sawed-off shotgun across your lap and your fingers wrapped loosely around the handle of your machete (because remember: blades don’t need. Vanity Fair's Nancy Jo Sales looks at what happens when romance is swiped from the screen.
Tinder and Hookup- Culture Promotion Vanity Fair. It’s a balmy night in Manhattan’s financial district, and at a sports bar called Stout, everyone is Tindering. The tables are filled with young women and men who’ve been chasing money and deals on Wall Street all day, and now they’re out looking for hookups.

Everyone is drinking, peering into their screens and swiping on the faces of strangers they may have sex with later that evening. Or not. “Ew, this guy has Dad bod,” a young woman says of a potential match, swiping left. Her friends smirk, not looking up.“Tinder sucks,” they say. But they don’t stop swiping. At a booth in the back, three handsome twentysomething guys in button- downs are having beers.
They are Dan, Alex, and Marty, budding investment bankers at the same financial firm, which recruited Alex and Marty straight from an Ivy League campus. Names and some identifying details have been changed for this story.) When asked if they’ve been arranging dates on the apps they’ve been swiping at, all say not one date, but two or three: “You can’t be stuck in one lane … There’s always something better.” “If you had a reservation somewhere and then a table at Per Se opened up, you’d want to go there,” Alex offers.“Guys view everything as a competition,” he elaborates with his deep, reassuring voice. Who’s slept with the best, hottest girls?” With these dating apps, he says, “you’re always sort of prowling. You could talk to two or three girls at a bar and pick the best one, or you can swipe a couple hundred people a day—the sample size is so much larger. It’s setting up two or three Tinder dates a week and, chances are, sleeping with all of them, so you could rack up 1. He says that he himself has slept with five different women he met on Tinder—“Tinderellas,” the guys call them—in the last eight days. Dan and Marty, also Alex’s roommates in a shiny high- rise apartment building near Wall Street, can vouch for that.
In fact, they can remember whom Alex has slept with in the past week more readily than he can.“Brittany, Morgan, Amber,” Marty says, counting on his fingers. What Women Want Movie Watch Online. Oh, and the Russian—Ukrainian?”“Ukrainian,” Alex confirms. She works at—” He says the name of a high- end art auction house.
Asked what these women are like, he shrugs. I could offer a résumé, but that’s about it … Works at J. Crew; senior at Parsons; junior at Pace; works in finance … ”“We don’t know what the girls are like,” Marty says.“And they don’t know us,” says Alex. And yet a lack of an intimate knowledge of his potential sex partners never presents him with an obstacle to physical intimacy, Alex says.
Alex, his friends agree, is a Tinder King, a young man of such deft “text game”—“That’s the ability to actually convince someone to do something over text,” Marty explains—that he is able to entice young women into his bed on the basis of a few text exchanges, while letting them know up front he is not interested in having a relationship.“How does he do it?,” Marty asks, blinking. This guy’s got a talent.”But Marty, who prefers Hinge to Tinder (“Hinge is my thing”), is no slouch at “racking up girls.” He says he’s slept with 3. I sort of play that I could be a boyfriend kind of guy,” in order to win them over, “but then they start wanting me to care more … and I just don’t.”“Dude, that’s not cool,” Alex chides in his warm way.
I always make a point of disclosing I’m not looking for anything serious. I just wanna hang out, be friends, see what happens … If I were ever in a court of law I could point to the transcript.” But something about the whole scenario seems to bother him, despite all his mild- mannered bravado. I think to an extent it is, like, sinister,” he says, “ ‘cause I know that the average girl will think that there’s a chance that she can turn the tables. If I were like, Hey, I just wanna bone, very few people would want to meet up with you …“Do you think this culture is misogynistic?” he asks lightly.“Sex Has Become So Easy”‘I call it the Dating Apocalypse,” says a woman in New York, aged 2. As the polar ice caps melt and the earth churns through the Sixth Extinction, another unprecedented phenomenon is taking place, in the realm of sex.
Hookup culture, which has been percolating for about a hundred years, has collided with dating apps, which have acted like a wayward meteor on the now dinosaur- like rituals of courtship. We are in uncharted territory” when it comes to Tinder et al., says Justin Garcia, a research scientist at Indiana University’s Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.
There have been two major transitions” in heterosexual mating “in the last four million years,” he says. The first was around 1. And the second major transition is with the rise of the Internet.”People used to meet their partners through proximity, through family and friends, but now Internet meeting is surpassing every other form. It’s changing so much about the way we act both romantically and sexually,” Garcia says. It is unprecedented from an evolutionary standpoint.” As soon as people could go online they were using it as a way to find partners to date and have sex with. In the 9. 0s it was Craigslist and AOL chat rooms, then Match. Kiss. com. But the lengthy, heartfelt e- mails exchanged by the main characters in You’ve Got Mail (1.
Victorian in comparison to the messages sent on the average dating app today. I’ll get a text that says, ‘Wanna fuck?’ ” says Jennifer, 2.
Indiana University Southeast, in New Albany. They’ll tell you, ‘Come over and sit on my face,’ ” says her friend, Ashley, 1. Mobile dating went mainstream about five years ago; by 2. In February, one study reported there were nearly 1. Tinder alone—using their phones as a sort of all- day, every- day, handheld singles club, where they might find a sex partner as easily as they’d find a cheap flight to Florida. It’s like ordering Seamless,” says Dan, the investment banker, referring to the online food- delivery service. But you’re ordering a person.”The comparison to online shopping seems an apt one.
Dating apps are the free- market economy come to sex. The innovation of Tinder was the swipe—the flick of a finger on a picture, no more elaborate profiles necessary and no more fear of rejection; users only know whether they’ve been approved, never when they’ve been discarded.
Ok. Cupid soon adopted the function. Hinge, which allows for more information about a match’s circle of friends through Facebook, and Happn, which enables G.
P. S. tracking to show whether matches have recently “crossed paths,” use it too. It’s telling that swiping has been jocularly incorporated into advertisements for various products, a nod to the notion that, online, the act of choosing consumer brands and sex partners has become interchangeable.“It’s instant gratification,” says Jason, 2. Brooklyn photographer, “and a validation of your own attractiveness by just, like, swiping your thumb on an app. You see some pretty girl and you swipe and it’s, like, oh, she thinks you’re attractive too, so it’s really addicting, and you just find yourself mindlessly doing it.” “Sex has become so easy,” says John, 2. New York. “I can go on my phone right now and no doubt I can find someone I can have sex with this evening, probably before midnight.”And is this “good for women”? Since the emergence of flappers and “moderns” in the 1.
Some, like Atlantic writer Hanna Rosin, see hookup culture as a boon: “The hookup culture is … bound up with everything that’s fabulous about being a young woman in 2. But others lament the way the extreme casualness of sex in the age of Tinder leaves many women feeling de- valued. It’s rare for a woman of our generation to meet a man who treats her like a priority instead of an option,” wrote Erica Gordon on the Gen Y Web site Elite Daily, in 2.