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Home. GETTIN' OUTDOORS RADIO NETWORKClick on station logo to listen live. Gettin' Outdoors Radio Network is now being streamed live on Facebook. Click on either logo below to go to live stream every Saturday morning 7: 0. Click on logo and support Gettin' Outdoors Radio Network Sponsors. BDL Every hunter, angler or concerned nature lover can be a huge help keeping our Alabama Natural Resource Assets around for future generations to enjoy. By reporting violators you will contribute to not only the future but possibly the survival of our natural resources as we know them.
Please add this very important number to your phone and remember.. If you see something.. Say Something!!" BDLOPERATION GAME WATCH – 1- 8.

GAME (4. 26. 3)Operation Game. Watch is a program designed to stop fish and game law violators in Alabama. Citizen involvement is and always has been the key to its success. The problem is serious.
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Please report violators and help protect Alabama's natural resources. The poacher is not a sportsman. He may use high- speed vehicles, spotlights, cell phones, CB radios, and illegal traps to capture his prey. To a poacher, giving fish and game a fair chance is a waste of time.
He is motivated by profit, laziness, or to gain an advantage over lawful, ethical hunters and anglers. Everyone suffers from this kind of greed. The more information, the better.
Tracking poachers is difficult and dangerous work. Poachers are considered armed and potentially dangerous. The details you provide aid in the swiftness of arrest and increase the safety of enforcement officers. Try to provide the following information if you can: Name and Description of Suspects.
Vehicle or Boat Description. License Plate or Boat Registration Number. Clothing Description.
Time of Your Observation. Area of Violation.
Patterns You Observed. To report violators, 2.
GAME or email dcnr. Alabama Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries Chief Enforcement Officer, Matt Weathers, talks to BDL, Eddie & Mike about the recent plea from Alabama deer breeder who was caught transporting live deer into Alabama from Indiana. In the plea the charged agreed to pay $7. Chief Weathers and Director Sykes want to get the public up to speed on just how devastating this could be to our Alabama whitetail herd if we are not ALL on top of our game for keeping this dreaded disease out of Alabama!!
Alabama Wildlife Federation Executive Director Tim Gothard, University of Montevallo President John Stewart and Alabama Governor Kay Ivey all called in to the show on 0. University of Montevallo Presidents Outdoor Scholar Program Director, Willaim Crawford, 2.
Outdoor Scholar of the Year Grant Deavers and UM Bass Team Member ans 2. Watch Streetdance 3D Instanmovie. Buckmasters Scholarship winner Porter James are in the studio with me.
Everyone wanted to congratulate William and the students on receiving the Alabama Wildlife Federations 2. Governors Conservation Achievement Award as Educators of the Year. Morgan Academy's Jamie Thomas and Leslie Free stopped by the studio Saturday morning to tell us about the November 3.
Guns in 3. 0 Days fund raising raffle and how you can get a ticket. Click on any of the photos to go to more information. Unofficial 2. 01. West Central Alabama River Alligator Hunt Results. Night 1 – 0. 8/1. Janet Holt (Tallassee) – 7’ 9”, 1. M0. 2 – Wilford Holt (Tallassee) – 9’ 2”, 2.
M0. 3 – Sam Scott (Monroeville) – 8’ 1”, 1. M0. 4 – Patrick Stabler (Frisco City) – 1. MNight 2 – 0. 8/1. Brent Hatcher (Wetumpka) – 8’ 2 ½”, 1. F0. 6 – Jeremy Guthrie (Ohatchee) – 8’ 6”, 1.
M0. 7 – Brad Reaves (Ohatchee) – 7’ 3”, 8. Night 3 – 0. 8/1. Watch Cellular Streaming. Lewis Prince (Childersburg) – 7’ 9”, 1. F0. 9 – Rex Jones (Selma) – 7’ 7”, 9.
M1. 0 – Ashley Sparks (Decatur) – 6’ 9”, 6. M1. 1 – Sterling Brothers (Alexander City) – 8’ 1. M1. 2 – Brad Kelly (Thorsby) – 8’ 4”, 1. MNight 4 0. 8/1. 7/1.
Connelly Brown (Maylene) – 8’ 4 ½”, 1. M1. 4 – Thomas Carter (Livingston) – 7’ 3 ½”, 8. M1. 5 – Kevin Redwine (Dora) – 6’ 5”, 5. F1. 6 – Gary Walters (Millers Ferry) – 9’ 1.
M1. 7 – Ryan Vick (Camden) – 1. M1. 8 – Heath Hashe (Gardendale) – 8’ 2”, 1.
MNight 5– 0. 8/1. Anthony Shaddix – 5’ ½”, 2.
M2. 0 – Kevin Elmore (Jasper) – 8’ 3”, 1. F2. 1 – Jimmy Cutler (Booth) – 1. M2. 2 – Rachel Kelley (Thorsby) – 9’ 6”, 1. M2. 3 – Terry Goza (Crossville) – 1. M2. 4 – Lee Fore (Wagerville) – 7” 3”, 8.
F Night 6 – 0. 8/1. Mark Alford (Prattville) – 8’ 5”, 1.
F2. 6 – Don Lauderdale (Camden) – 8’, 1. M2. 7 – Austin Rouse (Selma) – 9’, 1. M2. 8 – David Armstrong (Wilsonville) – 9’ 2”, 2. M2. 9- Boyd Phillips – 7’ 7”, 1. M3. 0- David Mastin (Montgomery) – 8’, 1. M3. 1- Walter Lynch (Wetumpka) – 1.
F3. 2- Nick Evans (Creola) – 6’ 4”, 4. F3. 3- Traylor Crawford (Sardis) – 8’, 1. F3. 4 – Wesley Green (Louisville) – 7’ 5”, 1. F3. 5 – Rick Glass (Jemison) – 7’ 6”, 1. F Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Director, Chuck Sykes, and Alabama Lands Division Director, Patti Powell, joined Co- Host Jeff Dute and myself in the Gettin' Outdoors studio to make the announcement about the all new Cedar Creek Special Opportunity Area that will open up in Dallas County this Fall. The announcement will be a huge economic impact on this "undeserved" area and will offer public hinting opportunities in the Alabama Black Belt.
Please listen and share with any of your friends or civic leaders who might not have heard this announcement on 0. Chad and Todd got a surprise while checking feeders last week in Portland Al.
Great interview with Dr. Steve Ditchkoff Saturday (0. Gettin' Outdoors Radio. Please listen and share with your friends who might have feral hog problems on their property. Fascinating research!! BDLAlabama Conservation Commissioner, Chris Blankenship, talks to us about the Red Snapper short season and how he is going to approach his new position as Commissioner.
Update 0. 8/1. 4/1. Governor Ivey swore Chris in as permanent Conservation Commissioner on Friday 0. We had a blast talking to Hannah Barron this weekend on the show (0. Hannah talks about her close call with a big blue cat and how her Dad got a big shark hook in his thigh.
If you missed it, I have posted it below. BDLWe had a wonderful visit with Alabama Agriculture Commissioner John Mc. Millan Saturday morning on Gettin' Outdoors Radio. Co- Host Jonathan Goode and Paul Alexander enjoyed talking about his long public service career in Alabama. Commissioner Mc. Millan is a prominent leader in natural resources and wildlife conservation as well as forestry and agriculture.
We were all kind of surprised when asked if he planned on running for governor in 2. Commissioner Mc. Millan made an unofficial, official announcement that he was.
Hear the audio of the announcement below. BDLThe IP Employee Stephen Ray Carpenter/Cayden Nall Memorial Tournament staff added a new award to the 2. The Wayne Dunnam No- Fish Award. Everyone who did not weigh- in a fish had to line up in front of the crowd and each was assigned a number. IP employee Stephen Williams (Monroeville) was the lucky winner, $1.
I was so glad Wayne's wife Tanya was in hand to see the first presentation. I can tell you for sure that Wayne would have loved this. Photos by Melissa Mc. Nider)This is the Power.
Point presentation that AU Graduate Student Steven Gratz presented on the findings of his Millers Ferry Reservoir study conducted in 2. April 4th, in Camden, Dr. Terry Hanson and Steven Gratz, M. Sc. Presented the findings of a 4 year study on Millers Ferry Reservoir funded by Alabama Conservation Department. Also on hand was veteran Alabama WFF Biologist, Dave Armstrong. Dave has been doing creel surveys and shocking studies on Millers Ferry for 2. Steven gave a detailed presentation on how the survey was taken and walked the crowd through his findings.
It was pretty obvious that the bass anglers p.. When asked by Camden Mayor Creswell about the tax revenue numbers, Steven said the numbers were very conservative. After the presentation Biologist Dave Armstrong answer questions from the audience.