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Watch Everyone Says I Love You Putlocker

Author: admin04/07

Ciri - Hi actors it’s Wendy Lane right talent  manager at waw entertainment in Los  Angeles California and I’m going to talk  to you for a minute about what acting is  because I think there is a huge  disconnect between people who want to be  an actor and actors so let’s just start  by saying acting is not pretending  acting is not getting up on stage and  pretending to be something pretending to  have a feeling  pretending to respond to someone or  pretending to say something to someone  pretending to feel something or  pretending to be angry acting is being  those things acting is being angry being  sad being happy being loving being  afraid being concerned while you are  basically speaking the lines that  someone else has written so what is not  real is that the words are not the words  are written by someone else they’re not  organic to your present moment  you’re not if that writer wasn’t there  writing it you wouldn’t be saying it  you’d be saying whatever it is you  really feel that you really are  experiencing but as an actor someone  else is writing the words and you are  reading those words learning those words  and now you have to put them into the  part of you that is I don’t say that you  have to bring those words through a  human being to life they have to come  through the human feeling. The human  emotion that you have within you  so that they become real so that they  land on a person who’s listening they  can’t just be written on a piece of  paper and then you say them otherwise  that’s very robotic that’s that’s  reciting a line they actually have to  come through you as the instrument you  as an actor are the instrument and the  words have to come through the human  instrument and come out as a human being  would say it as a human being would feel  it as a human being would experience it  and a human being experiences genuine  emotion and then says how they feel or  think experiences genuine reaction to  something and then says how they feel or  think or they pull away because of how  they feel or think so your job as an  actor is to hear those words that the  writers written and then make a  character come to life like decide okay  who is this person this person where do  they come from how do they feel what’s  happened in their life that’s made them  who they are what do they want out of  their life what do they want out of that  moment that you are talking with someone  what do what are they afraid of you have  to invent all those things you have to  think about like say you get a script  and you know you have words on a page if  it’s an audition and you get the script  half an hour before you go in an  audition  part of what an acting class teaches you  is how to break down a script and make  those choices when you hear the word  choices. You’re talking about things like  how old is this character where did they  just come from before they had this  moment that’s on the page what are they  afraid of what do they want what do they  need more than anything in the world  what’s what are they upset about if they  don’t get what they need what’s going to  happen to them because human beings are  driven by five  your love need and want they are either  in fear of something losing something  and fear they might not get something  that they want they are searching for  love so human beings are living from  those places so when you create a  character which is somebody else’s idea  of of whatever they’ve written you have  to figure out okay now how do I make  this character human I have to figure  out what they want what they love what  they fear what they need and then I have  to make decisions about that so let’s  say the line is you know I’m I really  need your help on this um I can’t do  this by myself  I really need your help it is not going  to work if you just say it I really need  your help on this aside really need your  help you have to think about and the  choices are if I don’t get their help I  am going to be kicked out of my house  and that is that that then becomes kind  of desperation that you get their help  that’s a choice you make that makes the  way you say it completely different then  I need your help  which is just I need your help that just  means nothing but if you are thinking I  need your help because I am NOT going to  have any place to live in a couple days  if you don’t help me I’m going to be on  the street like literally you have to  imagine I’m gonna have to bring the few  things I have and put them down here on  the street and sit out here by myself  because I’ll have no place to go because  there’s no one else for me and I really  need your help I can’t do this by myself  that’s how you make a choice that fuels  the emotion of what you’re saying you’re  not gonna cry and ruin my makeup  but you have to feel those things I mean  it’s using your imagination yes but it’s  also you know seeing what would happen  to you if you didn’t get their help  because once you see what would happen  to you if you didn’t get their help  it becomes urgent for you to get their  help and the way you say the line  becomes real the way because you feel it  acting is feeling real emotion in  made- up circumstances. So let’s say you  change the way you say completely what  if you don’t need their help at all what  if like your help is the last thing I  need oh yeah I really need your help  yeah I need your help like I need a hole  in the head  okay um I really yeah I really need your  help you make a choice that this person  really doesn’t need their help this  person is the most unhelpful person on  the face of the earth they’ve never been  helpful and in fact you’re angered that  they haven’t been helpful you know what  I need your help I can’t do it without  you  you’ve made a decision now to be  circuits make the decision to be  sarcastic it just comes out sarcastic  because you’re thinking the thoughts of  the character the thoughts of the  character is what you’re supposed to be  thinking when you’re acting not your own  personal thoughts okay you’re thinking  ah the person I’m talking to right now  is an asshole okay I’ve asked for their  help before they never give it to me  they’ve let me down over and over and  over again this person is the most  disappointing person in the world and  now you’re gonna ask for my help  ah yes I do I need your help.

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Watch Everyone Says I Love You Putlocker

Facebook: Name your favorite romantic movie. Every movie that got more than one vote I entered into a spreadsheet. Then I ranked them by number of votes.

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So if you’re looking for the best romantic movies or the best romantic comedies, you came to the right place! And so, without further adieu, here are the top 5. Facebook), along with a bit of my commentary: 1. The Notebook. An unlikely couple fall madly in love as teens, but are separated by her parents and circumstances. They find each other years later, and the love is still blazing.

Honestly, I don’t think this movie would have worked without the parallel story of the couple when they’re older, played by James Garner and Gena Rowland. The young love story is a little annoying. The witness of the love through the years is lovely. Watch The Hunt Streaming more. And the final scene is the best I have ever seen in a movie.

I totally understand why this was #1! The downside? Lots of sex before marriage. And I’ve told my girls not to watch it because it’s really quite erotic.

They don’t need that at their age. Pride and Prejudice. I combined votes for both versions (the BBC version and the Keira Knightley version) into one. There really is nothing more romantic than Mr. Darcy, who loves Elizabeth, and pursues her relentlessly though he’s rather bad at it.

The five hour version is still my favourite. What I love about Jane Austen, who wrote the book that inspired the movie adaptations, is that she treats love like it should be a serious choice, not just an infatuation we give in to. Elizabeth doesn’t care for Mr.

Darcy at all at first, but as she knows his character, he becomes attractive to her. That’s the way to decide whom to marry; to look at the person objectively and realize whether or not they would be a good choice. How many women have rejected perfectly wonderful marriage partners because that weak- kneed feeling wasn’t there right off the bat?

Austen shows us that true, deep love is a combination of attraction and deliberation, and it really works. Days Of Glory Full Movie there. Fireproof. A lout of a guy has taken his wife for granted, used porn, and acted selfishly. Now he’s in danger of her leaving, and reality hits and he does a 1. He decides to love her unconditionally.

His pursuit of her is certainly romantic, and it gives us hope that even difficult relationships can be turned around when one party decides to fight for love. A beautiful gospel message intertwined, too. PS I Love You. Definitely romantic. A husband dies young, and his bereft widow is completely at loose ends.

Can she ever love again, or even get on with her life? I really enjoyed this movie, though I found the final relationship she settled in a little bit too typical. They go to bed first, then the love comes. A little much. But what I appreciated about the movie was that it portrayed her marriage realistically. She and her husband hadn’t always gotten along. They’d both annoyed each other.

They’d both done things wrong. Yet the love was real and enduring. Princess Bride. Sometimes, when I want to tell my husband I love him, I still say, “As you wish”.

You cannot explain this movie. You have to experience it. It’s in a category by itself, and even kids can enjoy it along with adults. Robin Wright did a superb job as Buttercup. And there are certain lines you will never, ever forget.

Is it romantic? Perhaps that word doesn’t mean what we think it means. An Affair to Remember.

An oldie but a goodie! But true confessions: I’ve never seen it. My whole knowledge of it is tied up in all the references to it in Sleepless in Seattle. So this is on my “must watch” list now! It is a classic, though, so I’m going to assume it’s great because it’s stood the test of time. You’ve Got Mail. The first big blockbuster movie to delve into the question: can we fall in love with someone we met online? Director Nora Ephron brought Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan together again for this movie after the success of Sleepless in Seattle.

The two seem destined to do movies where they’re each other’s love interest, but appear together in hardly any scenes. I really did enjoy this one. Again, it shows that the main point of choosing whom to love is delving into their character. I’m all for movies like that! A Walk to Remember. True confessions: I haven’t seen this one either. Never even really heard of it, but so many people rated it the most romantic ever!

So now I’ll have to. I have nothing to say about this one, except it’s next on my list. It’s based on a Nicholas Sparks book, and while I love some Sparks books, I don’t love them all. So we’ll have to see whether this is a good one! Ever After. Love this movie! Drew Barrymore stars in an adaptation of Cinderella that truly works. As long as you realize this is supposed to be a fairytale, the movie is lovely.

The scene with the gypsies is hilarious, well done, and definitely romantic. Best of all, there’s nothing objectionable in this movie.

Old and young can enjoy it together. I think we watched it when our youngest was 7 for the first time, and we all loved it. The first 9 minutes of the movie Up. If people realized they could vote for PARTS of movies, and not whole movies, I’m sure this would have been #1. The most romantic 9 minutes of movie time ever.

Here it is: 1. 1. Time Traveler’s Wife.

A man is born with a horrible condition where he travels through time involuntarily. Things could be going well, and all of a sudden he’ll be gone. And you don’t know when he’s coming back. But in his travels he meets and marries his wife, who has to live with never knowing when her husband will be there.

And everytime he comes, he’s out of sequence. Sometimes he’ll be 5. I suppose it’s romantic, but I couldn’t really get into it. Still, it’s pretty high on the list. Not one of my favorites, though. I think I analyze time travel movies too much.

Sense and Sensibility. I love Austen! And the scene where Elinor finally loses it, after a whole movie of keeping her emotions in check, and starts bawling at Edward’s proposal is one of my favourite movie moments of all time. This movie is as close to perfect as any movie I have ever seen.

Emma Thompson, who stars in it but who also wrote the screenplay, did an amazing job of capturing Austen’s story in just 2 1/2 hours. And I totally agree with the main message of this movie: Don’t let your feelings carry you away; love should be deep, and based on something beyond just feelings. A warning, though: this really is a chick flick.

Watch it with your girlfriends, don’t make your husband sit through it! Titanic. Two Kate Winslet movies in a row! Yet this one is the opposite of Sense and Sensibility–it’s all feelings and drama and emotion. And no one has to wonder what the ending will be. Everything in this movie is big–the love, the emotion, the tragedy.

And it’s all magnified because we know what’s coming. The love in this is just over the top–I mean they only had a few days to fall madly in love because the ship’s going to sink. If you’re in the mood for a sweeping escape, fine. But don’t think that this is actually true to real life love! And the sex scenes are graphic, too. Sleepless in Seattle. The quintessential romantic movie.

In fact, Nora Ephron made this movie to celebrate romance in movies. It works. You really root for them by the end. A fun chick flick. What I like about it, too, is that they include Hanks’ character’s son in the romance. It’s not just about two people; it’s about taking on an entire family that needs love. That’s real love. It’s not profound, but fun.

The Vow. I was a little disappointed in this movie, as I’ve written before. The true story is better than the fictional one presented here.

The truth: a couple has been married briefly when she suffers a serious head injury. She awakes and does not remember him (and in fact thinks she’s still in a relationship with someone else). Her personality has changed. Yet he sticks by her because he made a vow, and in the end they’re happy together.