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Watch Alvin And The Chipmunks Online Mic
Author: admin02/09
Hollywood Reporter Entertainment News. Yep, the calendar has turned a page and awards season has begun. Whether you're rooting for big movies — 'Dunkirk'? Apes'? — or low- budget indies like 'The Florida Project' ($2 million), it's a wide- open field, as THR sets the stage for suspense and surprises.
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- At one point, Bhargav walks by, and Doug and Rob ask him to join in. His response: a just-barely-on-mic "Oh, that piece of shit?" Rob calling Doug a closet furry in.
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Watch Alvin And The Chipmunks Online Microscope
Take this quiz to find out with Chipmunk band you should jam in! In Nickelodeon's new free and fun online quiz game, ALVINNN!! and the Chipmunks: Which Chipmunk Band.