Field Of Lost Shoes Full Movie Part 1
This Is the Hellscape America Would Have Become If Obama Was Re- Elected in 2. Remember 2. 01. 2? It was an election year that pitted former Republican governor Mitt Romney against the incumbent, President Barack Obama. But Rick Santorum threw his hat in the ring early on with a disturbing ad about what the world would look like if Obama was re- elected. Good thing that didn’t happen, right? Yes, the futuristic world of 2.
Rick Santorum, is a terrifying one. This dystopian hellscape is filled with long lines to see a doctor, rising gas prices, and religious liberty under attack. The short video has basically every criticism you could imagine that was lobbed at Obama, from issues with the Affordable Care Act to Obama’s alleged hostility to Christians, despite being a Christian himself. There were also some not- so- subtle jabs at Obama as “America’s sworn enemy.”The Santorum campaign has since deleted the video, but I saved it on a hard drive back in 2.
You. Tube. The video is from just five years ago, but it honestly feels like an eternity. And I think it’s safe to say that the video is now officially part of the those futures that were imagined in the past. The voiceover is pretty ominous, warning about what kind of world we’ll see by 2. President Obama is allowed to continue in office. The short version? An unbearable one.“Imagine a small American town, two years from now, if Obama is re- elected,” the voiceover says. Small businesses are struggling, and families are worried about their jobs and their future.”To put all this in context, critics of Obamacare said that small businesses would be crushed by the restrictions in the health care law.

Just do it.” That slogan may sell shoes, but as sports mantras go, perhaps the phrase “Everybody’s doing it” might be more appropriate for what drives the. Belly Of The Beast Full Movie Part 1 more. Headlines from the network and other sources, as well as downloads of trailers and clips.
And while many small businesses still dislike the Affordable Care Act, most Americans like the provisions in the law that don’t allow insurance companies to deny coverage for pre- existing conditions and most love that kids can stay on their parents coverage until 2. The wait to see a doctor is ever increasing, gas prices through the roof, and their freedom of religion under attack,” the voiceover continues. And every day, the residents of this town must come to grips with the harsh reality that a rogue nation, and sworn American enemy, has become a nuclear threat.”That nuclear threat that the video is talking about? No, it’s not North Korea, a country that just sent Japan into a 1. Monday. This ad is referring to Iran, a country that, as of today, has kept up its obligations after negotiating with the Obama administration. Watch Valentine`S Day Online Freeform there. President Trump calls it the worst deal in history, but it’s working so well that he doesn’t dare get rid of it.
The ad has a lot of quick flashes of disturbing stock photos (which I examined at the time) but the most startling moment is when the ad shows an image of former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Take a look at the moment in slowed- down GIF form. Do you see that quick flash of President Obama’s face? That’s the moment in the ad when the words “sworn American enemy” are said.
At the time, Santorum spokesperson Hogan Gidley said it was “absurd” to think that the Santorum campaign was comparing President Obama to Ahmadinejad. But it’s pretty clear it was.“Welcome to a place where one president’s failed policies really hit home. Welcome to Obamaville—more than a town, a cautionary tale, coming soon to Rick. Santorum. com,” the ad concludes. Santorum originally posted the video to You. Tube on March 2. 3, 2.
April 1. 0, 2. 01. There were supposed to be more installments, but those were never produced on account of Santorum dropping out of the race. What were the real big stories of 2.
The Ebola outbreak, the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight 3. US and Cuba. Gas prices? Stable and more affordable than ever when you adjust for inflation. Religious freedoms? Nobody was throwing Christians in jail, at least in the United States.
And what about small business and health care? Well, the US Treasury Department found that more people were taking advantage of the opportunities Obamacare afforded to start their own small businesses. The year 2. 01. 4 was far from perfect, but when you compare it to the disasters that America faces in 2. President Trump, it’s almost enough to make you nostalgic for a time when the biggest controversy in Washington was President Obama wearing a tan suit. Seriously. That outrage machine was exactly three years ago today. But it may as well have been another lifetime ago.
- The vvonder years starting in. 1994, kinkaid career. these lifers started their long spent. while a few have been lost along the. way the twenty-eight that remain.
- Includes calendar, news, school history, and staff list.
- D23 is upon us this weekend, and with it, a new behind-the-scenes glimpse at the next chapter in the Star Wars saga. But although the movie didn’t offer us a full.
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