Watch The Ouija Possession Online
Ouija Stories. A Few Words from Kimberlyof true- ghost- stories. What's my opinion on the Ouija board??
Well…. it's not good, that's for sure. I'm sure there are many groups and/or individuals out there who have used the board in a respectful manner and who have had great success at using it. These individuals I would assume are well trained and experienced in knowing when a negative energy is trying to enter or make contact and know how to handle the situation accordingly by blocking out these energies or by refusing further communication from them. I, myself…am not one of those individuals and would haven't the faintest idea if I were talking to sweet ole granny or the devil himself. Because these energies lie…. I'm no angel…I have been in the room where it's been in use many times and recall one incident that impacted me for about ten years. The Ouija was asked when each and every person in the room would die…well, when it got to me (I was not participating in using the board, I was just standing in the back of the room watching), it said in the year "1. From 1. 99. 0 to 1. I lived in fear that this would be my last year. I never knew when the day would come that I would simply drop dead. The board said it would happen…and I was stupid enough to believe it!! I had no clue at the time that these energies being contacted would lie…but they do.
I was told many times by paranormal investigators and psychics that I was lucky…let me further explain. I had a relative drop by with some friends one night. Well, one of the visitors was very into the paranormal and had heard about our home being haunted. This guy I have to say was good…about as good at lying as the Ouija board is. I believed him when he told me he had used the board many times before and was well trained and educated in the use of the board. He assured me everything I'd ever heard was nothing more than stories….
Finally—after weeks of surreal teasers and yesterday’s opening-credits reveal, which actually revealed nothing—we have a real trailer for American Horror Story. Whooooo, something spooky’s happening. A ghost is introducing themselves through the ouija board’s letters. Psychic medium Alex Gibbs: “G. Watch movies online free no registering no downloading, required just click and watch.
Well…I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Because I didn't own an Ouija board, he and another individual ran out and bought one up at the local department store. He and a two other individuals went at it for a while, but had no success in contacting any of the spirits in our home to find out why they were here and what they wanted…but my cousin and I sure did. Curiosity about killed the cat…. Watch Kung Fu Panda Online Iflix there. I were standing there, watching…eagerly waiting to see if we could make contact…and we did. That planchette flew around the board answering every question with misspelled words and nonsense answers. Finally…the board got a little better with its communication and began telling us that "he" was a four year old child, with something wrong with his feet and that he were not the only one present. He said there were six other spirits with him…. My family has stories of using the Ouija board that could fill a library. Back in the 7.
Well…thank goodness over time, people are starting to know more and more about the spirit realm and types of energies contacted through the board…and are finding out very differently…. It's about as safe as Russian roulette if you want my honest opinion. Sorry for getting side tracked…but back to the night my cousin and I used the board with three other people watching around us. My use of the board had no ill affects….
I said, I was one of the lucky ones according to paranormal investigators and psychics I've spoken with concerning the incident. But my cousin was not so lucky. When she went home that night, she obviously didn't go home alone. All hell broke loose at her home. Things went so crazy that the home had to be blessed and cleansed twice afterwards. Months following the use of the board, she were plagued with horrible nightmares, electricity being turned on and off, water running, getting locked into rooms mysteriously…. She were basically being tormented. Anyway…that's just one aftermath of using the board…my brother who was a pastor, had a daughter whose friend became obsessed with an energy she contacted and later committed suicide, so they could be together forever. When I heard the story, it sounded like something right out of a movie…but being my brother was a well respected pastor, I knew he weren't pulling my leg for kicks.
This is a serious matter…and the quicker people discover how potentially dangerous using the board can be, the better. I cringe when I'm in a store and see one sitting on the shelf in the toy section…. THE TOY SECTION, where my kids can pick it up and ask me what kind of game is this? Whoa…put that down slowly and no one will get hurt". But it's not just Ouija boards…it's tarot cards, it's table tapping, automatic writing, séances and what ever other means people find in contacting the dead. My advice…if you want to play with fire, expect to get burned. If you don't know what you're doing and you think it can't happen to you, think again. There are books written about people who have lost their homes, lost their loved ones and lost their sanity tampering with something they knew nothing about…. Watch Brooklyn`S Finest Online Mic. So, next time someone asks you if you want to get in on a little innocent spooky fun…. Yes". Contributed by: Michelle.
When I was 1. 5, my friend Terry who was a couple of years older than me, spent the night. There is no way either of our parents would allow us to own or have an Ouija board in our possession, so we decided to make our own with poster board and scissors. I myself really didn't believe in the Ouija and what many claimed it could do. I just always assumed that someone was always pushing it to say whatever they wanted it to say. Terry really wanted to do this, so I decided to go along with it, figuring she was just going to try and scare me or something. We talked with a spirit that just so happened to call herself Terry also. You can guess, I didn't believe this thing was really moving on its own.
I had my mind set that she was moving it the whole time. Well, we started to argue over it, when all of a sudden the planchette started to spin around really fast. Still assuming it was Terry, I got mad. Then it just suddenly stopped.

That was it. Terry started telling me that you are suppose to make it say goodbye or it stays here. Still mad, I said "Yeah, right…whatever." We started talking about other stuff and in the washroom; which is on the other side of the kitchen, we started hearing a lot of noise. Now there were 3 doors to that room. One went outside, one connected to the kitchen, and the other connected to my sister's room.
The terrifying Ouija movie based on a real Ouija Board experience gone wrong. I Am ZoZo is the sixth film from award-winning filmmakers Scott Di Lalla and Zack. Star Wars versus Star Trek is a decades-long conflict that stretches across the galaxy, turning brother against brother, tearing lifelong friendships apart. In one. We have told you not to stare at the Sun today. We have told you to use safety glasses. Watch Time Bomb Online Time Bomb Full Movie Online. We have tried so very hard, and we are so very tired.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand. In the 28th century, Valerian and Laureline are a team of special operatives charged with maintaining order throughout the. Real cases of horror stories about Ouija Boards in which it has disturbed people for the rest of their lives. Discussion and help online. DARMOWE DVD I VIDEO: Przeczytaj najlepsze katolickich książek i pism za darmo online. The sequel and prequel to the critically panned Ouija, Ouija: Origin of Evil is about a family contacting the dead through the titular board game, only to have the.
Horror Stories about Ouija Boards. Horrific True Stories! Article by Craig Hamilton- Parker about ‘Horror Stories About Ouija Boards’. The articles, comments and posting on this site are copyright and appear in my books. Is it dangerous to use the Ouija board?
I get so many emails and letters with horror stories about Ouija Boards. Isn’t it about time that people realized that if you approach the spirit world looking for frights then it is likely that you’ll not only frighten yourself but there are long- term consequences. One person wrote to say: “I have been using the glass and letter circle and been told that I have an Indian guide. I am told some remarkable things that have come true and that I should look to join a circle.“Through the glass I was told that a family member would become pregnant but the person they would marry would not be the father. Three months later this came to pass. My grandmother also communicated and spoke of a twin son, named Robert, who she had lost a few weeks after his birth. No one living knew his name so I checked at the Department of Records.
To my surprise there it was in black and white: Robert!”Many of the objections to spirit communication are that the medium is using telepathy to read the minds of the sitters. As no one living knew of Robert it goes a long way in demonstrating that this person is contacting people in the after- life and there are lots of cases on record where the Ouija Board was used in a responsible way to contact the dead. If people use it properly then there would be far fewer horror stories about Ouija Boards. Read also about the Top Ten Ghost Pictures of All Time – Are they real? Here are a few more recent questions that people have sent me via my newspaper columns.“Many years ago when I was a teenager, some friends and I, started playing about with the Ouija Board. I stupidly asked the spirit when , and how I would die. It answered through the board that I would die at 6.
Now much wiser, I realize that dabbling in these things is dangerous. However, I would like to know if the spirit could have been right, or if (as I have read in a book ) spirits don’t have access to this information. You will appreciate that this is causing me some anxiety.”In reply I wrote: The time and way of our death is not accessible through any form of clairvoyance. Many of the phenomena displayed through Ouija boards come from a collective, telepathy and the messages can show our own inner fears.
It is clear that many people get quite upset by predictions made by the Ouija Board and death predictions are of course the source of most horror stories about Ouija Boards. The fears that Ouija Board create may last a lifetime. One person wrote to me to say: “Years ago, when I was a young woman, I played with the Ouija board on my own for fun. A few years later, my mother and I both began to experience constant bad luck.
This was accompanied by a feeling of an evil presence and disturbances around the house. This continued in all three houses we moved to. I believe that bad luck still follows me. Can this curse be broken?”I replied: Frankly, I think your bad luck is a result of by negative thinking habits. The Ouija board probably has nothing to do with what has happened to you. Whatever the cause, you need to think more positively. That upon what you focus your attention grows stronger.
If you focus on bad luck, things will only get worse. Instead, start counting your blessings, however few, and look forward to better times ahead. This will inevitably draw good luck your way. See also: The Real Horrors predicted by Edgar Allan Poe An Ouija Board Horror Story of a different kind. IS IT RIGHT TO SUMMON SPIRITS USING A OUIJA BOARD ANYWAY? My Spiritualist friend Vi added that it is part of Spiritualist philosophy that we should not summon spirits.
When asked about horror stories about Ouija Boards and whether people should call spirits she said: “The short answer is: NO! Definitely not! It is not possible to demand that people in this life be at your call and for them to do as you wish, so why should it be any different in the Spirit World. The whole thrust of the messages which come back to us through the agency of mediumship is that people do not change when they move into the Spirit World. They have now left their physical body behind which was only a vehicle of expression for the spirit while living in a physical world. It certainly is not required in the Spirit World.“If the personality of the person who has now returned to the Spirit World is the same as it was on earth then a stubborn, obstinate person will ignore any ‘calls’ or ‘summonses’ from people living on this earth. Mediums do not have any extraordinary power which would help such an event.
Any mediums who promise that they are capable of bringing forward a designated spirit person is not only fooling the people wishing to hear from loved ones in the Spirit World, but they are also fooling themselves.“Family and friends now living in Spirit are aware of how much we love and miss them and will do everything within their power to make contact when they can, but it will always be their choice. There are also a few requirements for a contact to be made. The medium must be developed to a level where they can link into the vibrations of the Spirit World; conditions, such as negativity and scepticism can create barriers to communication as can depleted energy levels; these conditions can cause interference so any message will not be clear.“You must always remember that you don’t need a medium to talk to your family in Spirit. They are only ever a thought away – send out your thoughts to them and they are received. You may need the services of a medium to receive their thoughts but do not let that fact detract you from speaking to them – love can be passed between the two worlds of being without the help of mediumship.”AVOIDING HORROR STORIES ABOUT OUIJA BOARDSBut of course people will insist on using the Ouija Board and in most instances it leads to problems it is clearly important to Ouija board responsibly. So should people use the Ouija Board?
The simple answer is: Don’t do it “I recommend you strongly not to use a Ouija board,” says Craig. When they work they’re like an open door to all emotions and feelings, so our own thoughts can effect it and be very deceiving. Any fears you have are reflected right back at you, which is very frightening.”But if you don’t listen: Be serious about it, but cheerful at the same time.