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Elvis Presley died in a Graceland bathroom 40 years ago today. He was 42 years old.
Watch tv series on demand episodes complete seasons american and british online television shows shows. Low monthly subscription. No ads. Desperate tourists are fleeing from Turkish and Greek resorts today after cutting short their holidays following a killer earthquake amid claims some travel reps have. Check out 20 things to know about Disney's The Finest Hours, a film that chronicles the true story of the Coast Guard’s greatest small boat rescue. AOL Radio is powered by humans! Great radio is all about unexpected connections--the kind that an algorithm can't predict. Pick any station in any of the 30 genres. Radio Caroline is a British radio station founded in 1964 by Ronan O'Rahilly to circumvent the record companies' control of popular music broadcasting in the United.
Whoops, Spotify's Web Player No Longer Works on Apple's Safari Browser. Music streaming service Spotify no longer officially supports Apple’s Safari browser, and Safari users who attempt to access it say they are being redirected to use another browser or download Spotify’s desktop client. Per the Verge and Engadget, the company will only say “recent updates” have made the two programs incompatible. Watch Shutter Island Mediafire there.
Users on the Spotify forum have flagged what they believe is an incompatibility with the Google Widevine content decryption module, which Spotify uses and Apple does not support, though the company has remained mum about whether Safari support is coming back anytime soon.“We’re always testing things by adding or removing features to make Spotify better overall,” Spotify customer support told a forum user, per Mac Rumors. We’re sorry that this means you’re not able to use the Web Player like you could before. We can’t say if or when any specific features will be back.”On Spotify’s website, the list of compatible browsers now includes just Chrome 4. Firefox 4. 7+, Edge 1. Opera 3. 2+, with a mention of Safari nowhere to be seen. Users can still easily access the service using one of Spotify’s official apps, as well as simply log on to Spotify using another browser, so it’s unlikely anyone would be more than somewhat inconvenienced by the bug. Safari comprises a surprising share of all browsers at 2.
Mediagazer presents the day's must-read media news on a single page. The pain of the untimely death of Jose Fernandez and two of his friends in a controversial boat crash on Sept. 25, 2016, still lingers for the families of the. Watch Online musical Movies HD Free with Subtitles Free Streaming musical Movies HD online Full Movies HD with Subtitles Free Streaming Online Movies HD streaming.

ZDNet, but that includes a large number of mobile users who always have the option of just using the app. Gizmodo has reached out to Spotify for comment, and we’ll update if we hear back.[The Verge, Engadget].
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