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Roadkill Salvaging Proves Popular in Washington, Lewis County Included News. Washington has always been known as a state with a diverse selection of wild foods available for foraging. There are berries of all shapes and colors, and mushrooms to match. There’s wild asparagus, watercress, miners lettuce and Jerusalem artichokes, too. Then, in July 2. 01.
In the first 1. 4 months after the salvage program was implemented, a total of 1,7. Those salvage operations include 1,5. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife updates its roadkill statistics at least twice a year. The most recent data entry was recorded on Aug. Unsurprisingly, Western Washington has been leading the pack when it comes to repurposing roadkill. The highest concentration of salvage permits have been issued along the Interstate 5 corridor from south Tacoma to Toledo, where a total of 3.
The second- highest total came from Central Washington where 2. Yakima, Leavenworth, Moses Lake and Cle Elum. The third most active area for roadkill salvage has been the greater- Seattle area between Everett, Mount Rainier, Bremerton and Snoqualmie Pass. One interesting note is that there have not yet been any salvage permits reported in Cowlitz County between Vader and Kalama.
That means no permits were issued in Longview, its sister city of Kelso, or any of the wildlife- heavy backwoods areas from Coal Creek to Kid Valley. Part of that may be due to the fact that state law prohibits the recovery of deer in Cowlitz, Clark, and Wahkiakum counties due to the presence of endangered Columbian white tailed deer. Still, there are plenty of elk in and around Cowlitz County and the dearth of activity in the area was something that Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Deputy Chief of Westside Police Operations Mike Cenci could not easily explain.“It’s interesting there. There’s no doubt that not being able to harvest deer would have an impact, but there’s certainly elk in that county and it’s hard to imagine that at least a few of them don’t get hit throughout the year,” said Cenci. It could be that people just aren’t bothering to apply for the permits.” On the other hand, residents in Lewis County have been plenty busy with their documented roadkill retrieval efforts. One high impact, and high retrieval, area has been U. S. Highway 1. 2 between White Pass and Oakville. That stretch of highway has seen 4.
The vast majority of those elk were encountered in East Lewis County between Packwood and Morton, with deer increasingly becoming the salvage de jour as the elevation decreases. Additionally, there have been hotspots of roadkill salvage activity near local burgs and hamlets.
In the area between Toledo, Onalaska, Winlock and Napavine, there have been 3. July 2. 01. 6, while the area between Oakville, Adna, Chehalis and Bucoda saw 2. Looking back east out U. S. Highway 1. 2, there were 2.
Mossyrock, Randle, Elbe and Glenoma while 1. Yelm/Tenino unit. So far, the greater Olympia area has led the regional roadkill repurposing effort with a total of 4. Thurston County. Cenci has a hunch about why Southwest Washington, particularly the areas surrounding the I- 5 corridor, have proven to be such a hotbed for roadkill repurposing.“I can only guess, but certainly our state continues to grow and in those areas in particular, and so deer are finding themselves in a position to have to cross the road more often than in other areas. That might be a factor,” said Cenci. In addition to the facts of population growth and traffic density, Cenci harbors a juicier hypothesis for the apparent popularity of roadkill salvage in Southwest Washington.“I do know that at least in the Olympia area we kind of have a culture where some people are pretty earthy … They aren’t hunters but they are foragers,” said Cenci. Cenci said prior to the implementation of the roadkill salvage program, he received a report from a woman in Olympia who had grown suspicious of her neighbor. She said his garage was emitting a strange odor and she had observed the legs of a deer sticking out of a garbage can in the middle of summer, far from the parameters of any legal deer hunting season.
Cenci said he didn’t know what exactly to expect as he made his way to the home to investigate.“You do tend to visualize what you might be walking into, and I was surprised. It was a really nice home. It had been refurbished. There was a nice lady in the kitchen making honey, of all things, and then he came home from the park and walking his dog and he truly looked like he had just walked out of ‘The Revenant,’” noted Cenci, who said the man was covered in leather clothing with assorted jangling trinkets of bone and antlers adorning his outfit. Upon further investigation, Cenci says he found the residence to be “filled with the hides of animals that had been struck by vehicles,” and that the man was turning the recovered carcasses into all sorts of useful items such as drums, clothing and wallets. “He was really passionate about not letting animals go to waste,” said Cenci. Watch Bella Online Goodvideohost. Cenci said that because those salvage efforts were undertaken prior to the roadkill salvage law going into effect, he was forced to educate the man about the laws covering the legal possession of wildlife, either dead or alive. Still, he noted that there were no egregious violations, such as poaching, happening in that case.
Cenci had simply met a resourceful man who was apparently ahead of his time.“That community of salvagers is actually larger than I knew before I started investigating this particular case,” noted Cenci. While scraping tomorrow night’s dinner off of the asphalt may not be everyone’s cup of tea, the practice of salvaging roadkill for consumption has at least one unexpected supporter in the form of PETA. While the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals may endorse roadkill consumption in a decidedly tongue in cheek fashion, they do dedicate multiple pages on their website to promoting the practice. One entry from the PETA website reads as follows: “If people must eat animal carcasses, roadkill is a superior option to the neatly shrink- wrapped plastic packages of meat in the supermarket … Eating roadkill is healthier for the consumer than meat laden with antibiotics, hormones, and growth stimulants, as most meat is today. It is also more humane in that animals killed on the road were not castrated, dehorned, or debeaked without anesthesia, did not suffer the trauma and misery of transportation in a crowded truck in all weather extremes, and did not hear the screams and smell the fear of the animals ahead of them on the slaughter line.
Perhaps the animals never knew what hit them.”For all of the apparent advantages and proponents of roadkill salvage, there is still one scenario that Cenci has observed on numerous occasions that has roused his suspicions and rubbed him the wrong way. In May, Cenci said, “we’ve also noticed that there’s also been some attractants placed along a roadway that wouldn’t normally be there. You don’t see piles of lettuce and carrots and other garden vegetables placed neatly along a busy road on accident very often, but we have seen them now.” It is Cenci’s belief that those piles of food scraps are being intentionally placed by would- be poachers who are presumably waiting in the wings for an opportunity to spotlight and shoot, or simply run over, a big game animal drawn in by the temptation of a roadside salad. Still, Cenci characterized those types of unscrupulous efforts as “relatively rare,” and noted only two instances he could think of off the top of his head where WDFW police encountered a suspicious animal that they suspected may have been poached and then covered up with a roadkill salvage tag.“I don’t think people are really abusing the ability to salvage an animal from what we can tell so far,” said Cenci, who reluctantly referred to the program as a success back in May.
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