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The Ultimate Cobra Snake Facts Guide. Cobra – for many, this word alone conjures up an image in the mind’s eye of a snake standing proudly with a hood spread wide. It may even arouse an array of emotion from reverence to fear to respect, love and even hate. And although these iconic snakes are quite familiar to us, there is still very little known about them. Many so- called cobra snake facts are nothing more than hearsay. There is some confusion/ debate around what a cobra snake actually is – what characteristics allow us to call some snakes cobras and not others?
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Cobra de capelo translated from Portuguese means “snake with hood” a term which loosely places a variety of snakes into the cobra bracket. By this definition snakes like the king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), the rinkhals ( Hemachatus haemachatus) and the Cape coral snake (Aspidelaps lubricus) are all cobras. Yes you say, of course they are! But what about the black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) then? Look closely – it also has the ability to spread a small hood. Is it a cobra? Not if you take the genetic road. There are many snakes which look similar to cobras but don’t belong in the same group – genetically speaking.
Common names often cause confusion; true cobras belong to the genus Naja and currently comprise of about 2. To learn more about this fascinating genus of snakes, I have put together this article to dispel some myths and set the cobra snake facts straight. I hope you learn something new, I certainly did. I love the true cobras even more now! Cobra Symbolism. Snakes have appeared strongly in the lore of many cultures as symbols of strength, creativity, cosmic energy and of creation itself.
But no snake features more prominently than the iconic cobra. In Egypt the cobra goddess Wadjet, the celestial serpent, was seen as the giver of food and immortality and at an even deeper level may have represented Mother Earth; the symbol, known as Uraeus, is a stylised upright version of the Egyptian cobra Naja haje ( see table at the end of this post) which was also indicated in the suicidal death of Cleopatra and represents royalty, deity and divine authority.
Not bad considering the persecution of snakes nowadays. In Hinduism Shiva is depicted meditating with a cobra around his neck and Vishnu rests on the cosmic cobra Ananta while dreaming the universe into being; in Buddhism the image of a five- headed cobra or Naga is often seen sheltering the Buddha as he attained enlightenment and in Tibet, cobras symbolise the rainbow as a connecting link between heaven and earth. Apart from the negative association that Christianity has with snakes it is difficult to find others with similar overtones.
If we were to take a leaf from the books of ancient cultures, which appear to have been far more connected with nature, do you think that there would be less persecution of snakes? Leave your comments at the end of this post. True Cobras: The Genus Naja. The King Cobra is not a true cobra! Excluding the associated subspecies there are currently 2. Naja. This may came as a surprise to many of you but the King Cobra is taxonomically speaking no more of a cobra than is a black mamba. They share some common traits and belong to the same family of non- mobile, hollow, front fanged snakes we know as the Elapidae, but differ in a number of ways – although the details are beyond the scope of this article.
Khloé Kardashian Celebrates Halloween As Mother of Dragons from HBO's 'Game Of Thrones' Rosanna Pansino Creates Spooky Treats That Anyone Can Make! Share this Rating. Title: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (2009) 5.8 /10. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Use the HTML below. Cobra Snake Facts: A Guide Cobra – for many, this word alone conjures up an image in the mind’s eye of a snake standing proudly with a hood spread wide. It may. Orange County man bit by cobra had more than 20 snakes in home. Posted May 3, 2016.

If it doesn’t belong to the genus Naja, then it’s not a true cobra. Description. All cobras have the ability of raising the front parts of their body while simultaneously flaring the ribs in their neck to display what we commonly call a ‘hood’. They have smooth scales, round pupils and show great colour variation within and between the species. Colours range from butter yellow, to red, to black to mottled and banded varieties and almost everything in between (for examples of each species see table at the end of this post). Many of the species can reach lengths of 2 m (6. N. melanoleuca), has been recorded at a whopping 3. At 2. 7 m (8. 9 ft), Ashe’s spitting cobra (N.
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Like all elapids, cobras have hollow fangs fixed to their top jaw (maxilla) at the front of their mouth. In some species the fangs have been expertly modified to ‘spit’ venom (keep reading to see how).
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All the true cobras are oviparous or egg laying. Habitat & Distribution. Cobras can be found across most of Africa and in many parts of Asia. Watch Tom And Jerry Blast Off To Mars! Watch The Color Purple Tube Free. Online Forbes.
They inhabit a range of habitat types including desert, forest, fynbos, grassland, thicket and cultivated areas. Some species like the forest cobra are habitat specialists and occupy specific niches while others like the Indian cobra are habitat generalists and occur across a range habitat types. Hunting for a Catholic Diet. Most cobras are typical generalists when it comes to food and make a living by being opportunistic hunters. If you are keen to survive in as large an area as possible then having the ability to eat whatever is put in front of you makes sense.
Most cobras hunt at dawn or dusk although some species are known to forage during the heat of the day. Cobras, like other snakes, can go for days or even months without feeding – depending on the size of their last meal and their recent activity. Their excellent ability of conserving energy coupled with a very slow metabolism makes this possible. Although some species of cobra show more specialisation in their preferred diets, most species are opportunists and will take whatever food is available including small mammals, birds, lizards, amphibians, other snakes, eggs and even carrion – yes some species, like the Cape cobra, have been known to scavenge roadkill! Enemies. To humans cobras may seem so big and bad that it is difficult to imagine that anything could eat such a deadly animal. The reality is that life is tough on a snake and security from predators is not a sure thing. The most well- known snake enemy is the mongoose – its lightning speed (watch the video to see this) allows it to quickly bite the back of a cobra’s neck and head before it can defend itself.
Other enemies include birds of prey and other snakes. It’s a snake eat snake world for a cobra. It should come as no surprise though, that a cobra’s biggest enemy is man. Venom. Cobras are highly venomous snakes and all members of the genus Naja are potentially deadly.
Many species possess potent neurotoxic venom. Neurotoxins attack the nervous system leading to the paralysis of the respiratory system if untreated. As with all snake venoms however, the cocktail is a varied mix and may contain a significant amount of cytotoxins. In the case of the spitting cobras like Naja mossambica and Naja nigricincta for example, the venom mix becomes predominantly cytotoxic which attacks body tissue cells and causes severe pain, swelling and if left untreated, necrosis (death of cells and tissue) may set in. Defence Strategies. It might be difficult to believe but cobras, like all snakes, are timid and shy. A snake’s first strategy for evading me or you is to escape into the nearest form of cover and limit the chance of confrontation.
Make me part of your collection! Firstly no cobra is going to try and eat a person – we’re too big – so biting us for food is not an option. Secondly, even if a snake was to bite something much, much bigger than itself the chances of it escaping the encounter are small when a person can easily retaliate with a stick or other solid object. So…the first line of defence is to flee.
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