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Harassment Livestreams On Twitch Are Multiplying And Easy To Find. Earlier this week Kotaku UK ran an article from Charleyy Hodson about the sexual harassment she recently faced on Twitch while livestreaming in the site’s IRL category. Everyone seems to agree there’s a problem, but it’s not so easy to find consensus on how platforms like Twitch should be tackling it. Given the focus of many online platforms on creating automated mod tools, we thought we’d run an experiment. How easy is it for a human to track down Twitch accounts that either focus on, or regularly engage in, verifiable instances of targeted harassment on the platform? This piece originally appeared on Kotaku UK 8/1. As it turns out, incredibly easy.
And that’s without any access to Twitch’s support accounts or report logs. We spent 9. 0 minutes looking for harassment and were able to identify and document 2. Twitch that regularly engage in harassment of other users, either via in- stream chat or by re- streaming people’s livestreams and commenting on them. Every one of these accounts is still active at the time of publishing, though we’ve passed our findings on to Twitch support. How did we find so many so quickly? Depressingly, most of these harassment- focused accounts were found by looking at Twitter users who had tweeted at Twitch’s official support account about their harassment. These users received no public response, and their harassers remain on Twitch.
People were giving Twitch the exact information we used, and within minutes of investigating each case we’d found clear proof of what they were flagging. Twitch archives the chat on livestreams. If you know when harassment took place, you can find the accounts behind it from the chat. From there, you can check each user’s page and further evidence of their behaviour is right in front of you, particularly for those users livestreaming their harassment of others.
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get.
In 9. 0 minutes we found users threatening to rape women, users mocking disabilities, users throwing around homophobic and transphobic slurs, users spamming sexually explicit comments at streamers, users threatening to doxx streamers mid- stream, and users harassing the followers of streamers to quit their channel. Of the 2. 5 accounts we found, seven of them had engaged in livestreaming their harassment of other Twitch users on the IRL section of the site. Of those users, all of them had streamed harassment since the start of August. Most of these channels featured between five and ten videos in the IRL section of the site. It’s all still available for the public to watch.
People often discuss human moderation as if it’s some impossible task, like the sheer volume of traffic that a service like Twitch handles is too much for even an army to handle. Is that really true? It’s not Kotaku UK’s job to moderate Twitch, but in 9. Twitch itself. We contacted Twitch earlier today for comment, before publication of the Charleyy Hodson story, and have subsequently followed- up with calls.
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HJW is an artist from Korea working in the games business. Andrew Prine, Actor: Gettysburg. Andrew Prine, a well-known stage actor also known for military/western dramas, was first seen in Kiss Her Goodbye (1959), then in The.
So far the best we’ve got back is a brief holding statement promising a comment at a later time. Twitch does have a report function on its site.
It does seem to respond, sometimes, to these reports — though in the case of Ms. Hodson’s harasser, the account was suspended and then, bizarrely, re- instated. This all suggests that Twitch needs to start taking harassment in general, and in particular the livestreaming of it, much more seriously.
Responding to users in a timely manner would be a start. We found these harassers easily and without any access to Twitch’s own support tools, and weeks later their accounts are still active in every case. Which suggests, frankly, that dealing with this problem is not a priority for the streaming giant.
This post originally appeared on Kotaku UK, bringing you original reporting, game culture and humour with a U from the British isles. Follow them on @Kotaku_UK. Watch Owning Mahowny Online (2017).
Here Are at Least 1. ISPs Which Put Caps on Their Customers' Data Use. Last month, internet service provider Cox began charging residential customers in Arizona, Louisiana, Nevada, and Oklahoma an extra $1. Cox’s moved matched other leaders in the industry aggressively implementing capped service, like its competitors Comcast and AT& T. Broadband. Now, which is a partially industry- funded search engine for home internet providers, is identifying and releasing data on the ISPs trying to jump on the capped data bandwagon. According to their search of provider websites as of August 7, approximately 1. The monthly caps in question vary from as low as 3.
GB—roughly what Netflix says will be consumed in an hour of HD programming—to as high as 3. TB. According to Ars. Technica, Newport, New York’s NTCNet, which has the 3.
GB cap in place, says the cap is not enforced and is only there as a placeholder in case they need to enforce limits in the future. But a number of other services had caps under 1. GB, while numerous services capped accounts at under 1. GB. As Ars. Technica noted, some of the largest broadband companies including AT& T, Comcast, Cox, Century. Link, Mediacom and Suddenlink were on the list, as well as major satellite providers Exede and Hughes. Net. Many of the ISPs on the list charge overage fees for further access or offer unlimited plans at higher rates, though some others do not aggressive enforce the caps.
All of this data, of course, does not necessarily cover various other ways ISPs can screw over their customers, like throttling internet access for heavy users or overselling capacity out of ignorance or deliberate profiteering. In the past, some ISPs have also used deceptive advertising language to give the impression plans which simply raise overage fee thresholds are actually unlimited, i. Currently, the Federal Communications Commission is under the dubious leadership of Donald Trump appointee Ajit Pai, who has declared war on net neutrality and seems determined to roll back rules which prevent ISPs from implementing tiered services or throttling competitors.

In that light, last year’s attempts by content providers like Netflix to fight data caps via FCC regulatory action now look somewhat quixotic. Broadband. Now’s data also doesn’t say anything about mobile providers, for whom data caps and other tricks to limit customer utilization of bandwidth are basically a fixture of the landscape; Verizon Wireless, for example, has begun openly throttling mobile video.[Broadband. Now via Ars. Technica].
Earlier this week Kotaku UK ran an article from Charleyy Hodson about the sexual harassment she recently faced on Twitch while livestreaming in the site’s IRL category. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Play free online Star Wars games and get the latest on upcoming titles, including Star Wars Battlefront, the LEGO Star Wars series, and more.
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