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Watch Chained Online Freeform

Author: admin30/03
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Champions Online Builds Guide Guide. Scroll. Champions Online Builds Guide by Ashen_XI recently had a conversation with a new player whose only reason for not subscribing essentially boiled down to wanting an easier time with character creation. He liked the idea of cross- set builds, but didnt have the time to spend building characters. Through our conversation a frequently expressed worry was that he might ruin his character.

My thought was that since AT’s are an easy introduction for Silver players, why dont we, as the community, put together some effective, “guaranteed to not suck,” builds for new Golds (or even veterans who just want quick and easy access to a set theyve not played before). So post your favorite builds here. Edit: I’m not sure that we need to focus on the most absolutely optimal choices here. This is about good, functional builds, not arguments over which choice is ideal at which level.

Contents: 1. Archery DPS with high survivability. Gunslinger DPS/Solo.

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TK Blades- DPS4. Fire DPS/Healer Hybrid. Dual Blades Crit & Dodge. A (non maxed) Toxic Build. Mid- Range Support.

Might Tank – DPS/Threat Hybrid. Bestial Survivable DPSer. Munitions Tank. 11.


Mystic Swordsman. The Soldier – Freeform Style. Gunslinger – Solo and Leveling Capable. The One bladed angel. Force Tank. 16. Very Tough Unarmed Martial Artist.

TK (blades) TANK1. Psychic Warrior——————————————————1. Archery DPS with high survivability: Level 4. Champion. Superstats: Level 6: Super Dexterity. Level 1. 3: Super Intelligence. Powers: Level 1: Strafe — Aversion. Level 1: Straight Shot — Split the Arrow, Rank 2.

Level 6: Sonic Arrow — Deadly Dissonance. Level 6: Swinging — Flippin’Level 8: Quarry — Rank 2, Rank 3.

Level 1. 1: Torrent Of Arrows — Relentless Recurve, Rank 2. Level 1. 4: Evasive Maneuvers — Rank 2, Rank 3. Level 1. 7: Hunter’s Instinct. Level 2. 0: Retaliation.

Level 2. 3: Bionic Shielding — Rank 2. Level 2. 6: Form Of The Master — Storm’s Eye Prana. Level 2. 9: Bountiful Chi Resurgence — Resurgent Reiki. Level 3. 2: Explosive Arrow — Where’s The Kaboom? Level 3. 5: Lock N Load — Rank 2, Rank 3.

Level 3. 5: Acrobatics — Rank 2. Level 3. 8: Masterful Dodge. Talents: Level 1: Sureshot.

Level 6: Coordinated. Level 9: Shooter. Level 1. 2: Academics.

Level 1. 5: Acrobat. Level 1. 8: Healthy Mind. Level 2. 1: Ascetic—————————————–2. Gunslinger DPS/Soloanon: Level 4. Champion. Superstats: Level 6: Super Dexterity. Level 1. 3: Super Intelligence. Powers: Level 1: Gunslinger — Rank 2.

Level 1: Two- Gun Mojo — Nailed to the Ground, Rank 2. Level 6: Bullet Beatdown — Crippling Challenge, Not Without Incident.

Level 6: Acrobatics. Level 8: Breakaway Shot — Rank 2. Level 1. 1: Quarry — Rank 3, Rank 2.

Level 1. 4: Holdout Shot — Rank 2. Level 1. 7: Lead Tempest — Rank 2, Tread Softly. Level 2. 0: Form Of The Unfettered Master. Level 2. 3: Bountiful Chi Resurgence — Resurgent Reiki, Rank 2.

Level 2. 6: Parry — Elusive Monk, Rank 2. Level 2. 9: Masterful Dodge. Level 3. 2: Killer Instinct. Level 3. 5: Lock N Load — Two Smoking Barrels, Rank 2. Level 3. 5: Swinging. Level 3. 8: Inexorable Tides.

Talents: Level 1: Sureshot. Level 6: Coordinated. Level 9: Shooter.

Level 1. 2: Academics. Level 1. 5: Covert Ops Training. Level 1. 8: Brilliant. Level 2. 1: Field Ops Training. Dexterity’s bonuses have heavy diminishing returns, so focus on just keeping it at the soft- cap for each level range, which is around +3.

Keep Intelligence at a level in which it will reach that same cap with Aucacity triple- stacked (~1. Ego roughly equal to your Intelligence. Focus on putting the rest in Constitution, but Recovery can also be useful for alpha strikes as well as stronger energy building, and Presence can be useful for stronger Bountiful Chi Resurgence heals as well as lower threat in Pv. E teams. Endurance will always be outpaced by Intelligence for you. Due to the reliance on Dodge this build has, it is extremely valuable to have a +Dodge/Avoidance upgrade item equipped. The advantages Crippling Challenge and Nailed to the Ground are only necessary if you intend to Pv.

P, but in that case they truly are necessary. Use Two Gun Mojo to build Enrage, which will improve both Bullet Beatdown and Lead Tempest. This is typically unnecessary against weaker enemies, which you will just tear through, but can be a real help against bosses or other players. Bullet Beatdown and Lead Tempest should each be used to tear apart groups while simultaneously defending yourself (because of Parry’s Elusive Monk and Lead Tempest’s Tread Softly). Bullet Beatdown is better used on tight groups if you have Enrage up, otherwise use Lead Tempest which has a fairly incredible max range.

Also use Bullet Beatdown against melee targets for heavy damage + defense. Not Without Incident is actually a superior damage boost for Bullet Beatdown than an extra rank under any circumstance, due to the fact that the Ao. E effect counts as an entirely separate attack and also hits the primary target. Even against a single target without Enrage it will be better.

Lock N’ Load can be very good mixed with Lead Tempest to quickly wipe out a massive group of enemies, though Lock N’ Load also helps greatly to take down tougher individual enemies. The Two Smoking Barrels advantage only takes effect on each attack activation rather than each actual hit of the attack, meaning that a full Bullet Beatdown combo will only reduce the cooldown 4 times, rather than the 7 or so it would otherwise be, for a total of 8 seconds. It is still a very solid choice, and invaluable to allow Lock N’ Load to be up more often against tougher enemies. Inexorable Tides can be used to keep people off of you and disabled in melee, even tight groups of enemies, and can be a good lead- in for Bullet Beatdown.

It can also be used to interrupt charged powers. Holdout Shot is a great finisher for a Bullet Beatdown combo, since it will often leave you drained enough of energy for the extra damage and lower cost to trigger. Holdout Shot is capable of some amazing and dirt- cheap damage, so try to set it up often by blowing through energy. Breakaway Shot can be used while Rooted to get some distance from enemies, or to escape quickly if an enemy is charging a Point- blank Area Attack (marked by the red circle over their head). Breakaway Shot can also be a good lead- in for fights, since it does a fair amount of Ao.

E damage and applies a nice damage reduction effect. If you start by leaping into the center of a group and activating it mid- air, you’ll fly higher up rather than further away, since your targets will be beneath you. Breakaway Shot has a high cost, and can also be effectively followed up with Holdout Shot, especially since Holdout Shot can be activated before you even hit the ground after flipping away, and looks awesome.

This is especially effective if you used Breakaway Shot to open a fight, since you’ll almost always be left with low enough energy to trigger Holdout Shot’s extra damage. Between Killer Instinct and Form of the Master, you’ll gain a large amount of energy whenever you critical or dodge, both of which will be happening very frequently, so energy is not a large issue. Form of the Master will also massively improve the damage of Bullet Beatdown and Inexorable Tides when you have Focus built up. Bountiful Chi Resurgence, due to high Intelligence, can be double- stacked a little over one- third of the time by activating it whenever it’s off cooldown in a fight. Double- stacking it is a massive benefit; not only will it trigger twice every second rather than once, but I believe it will trigger twice on every dodge as well.

Storm’s Eye Prana may seem like a good advantage for Form of the Master to let you stack BCR even easier, but the way it works makes it only capable of at most ever cutting the cooldown in half. Super Intelligence will already allow you to maintain two stacks pretty often, and the nature of Storm’s Eye Prana makes it less effective the lower the base recharge on BCR is.

Once Upon A Time: Birth. King Arthur makes a run for it upon being confronted about his deception. Hook gives chase, but ends up staring down at the wrong end of a sword. Arthur is about to strike a death blow until Emma steps in to block his steel with Excalibur. Hook demands to know why she needs the legendary sword.

The answer is an unexpected one. Emma claims that everything she’s doing is for him. Hook realizes he must uncover what happened between he and Emma in Camelot before his memory was erased. He turns to Mr. Gold for help. The advice he gets is to find out what she’s atoning for. Hook jumps off a building knowing that Emma will save him.

She does. Hook explains that the ring he gave her is a reminder of the saddest story from his past. He is willing to forgive her no matter what she’s done. Three weeks earlier in Camelot, Merlin delivers a message to Emma. He says Arthur wants the dagger and the Flame of Prometheus in exchange for the lives of her family. Emma is taunted by the Rumplestiltskin in her head.

She snaps out of it when Henry reveals the details of Operation Light Swan. It’s all about how Hook was looking for the perfect house for them to live in back in Storybrooke. This has Emma realizing she needs to use the darkness one more time. Emma arrives at the site where Arthur is holding her friends and family hostage. Zelena is there looking for a fight. She wonders what the Dark One will do now. Jumping back to Storybrooke, Zelena suddenly has a full baby belly even though she’s only a few months pregnant.

She’s rushed off to receive medical help from Dr. Whale, who still has bad memories of the last time he encountered Zelena. As for the baby, Emma will be coming for it.

She needs the cries of a newborn for her plan. In Storybrooke, Emma reveals that the house she’s living in is the one that Hook picked out for them in Camelot. It represents their future together. Emma is fighting for that now, but she can’t yet reveal how.

She knocks Hook unconscious. In Camelot, Emma is able to neutralize Zelena. However, she has her hands full with Merlin, who is ordered to kill Mary Margaret.

Emma pleads with him to fight the darkness. Merlin somehow manages to do just that. Mary Margaret’s life is spared. Hook overcomes Arthur, who escapes with Zelena.

Excalibur is left behind, but not before leaving a small wound on Hook’s neck. Emma quickly heals it. Now all she has to do is light the spark for the Flame of Prometheus. Regina takes the dagger to order Emma to reveal why she’s clinging to the darkness. The other heroes arrive to put a stop to what’s happening. In Storybrooke, Zelena delivers a baby girl after an accelerated pregnancy.

Cries are heard through the halls. Emma arrives, but doesn’t want the baby. She disappears with Zelena, who is then chained in Emma’s basement. Hook is there, too.

She plans to cut down Zelena after using her as the vessel to hold the darkness. Watch The Combination Online Moviesdbz there. Back in Camelot, Emma tells Hook that she’s afraid of their future together. The minute the darkness is taken away is when that future begins.

The two of them share a kiss. The spark ignites for the Flame of Prometheus. In Storybrooke, Hook frees Zelena from her bindings and restores her magic.

The two of them escape. Zelena flees the house, but Hook stays behind. He finds some squid ink to neutralize Emma.

Zelena returns to show Hook what happened between them in Camelot. In Camelot, Emma ignites the Flame of Prometheus. When she tries to forge the dagger with Excalibur, Hook starts bleeding from the neck. He collapses to the ground. A wound made by Excalibur can’t be healed. Hook is dying. Emma knows of a way to save him. Her plan could create another Dark One.

Hook pleads for Emma to let him go. She can’t. She uses the dagger to remove the darkness from Merlin and tether it to Hook, who becomes a second Dark One. Zelena wants to reveal what else happened in Camelot. Hook wants to know, but first they need to take care of Emma.