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Let's Talk About Tonight's Game of Thrones and That Jaw- Dropping Ending. Watch Camille 2000 Online Mic. No fooling around: We have to talk about what just went down. When I called the episode “jaw- dropping,” I was referring to two jaws—mine and the one Dany’s dragon as he opened his mouth and shot giant jets of fire directly onto the heads of the Lannister army, burning them alive. Yes, tonight was Daenerys Strikes Back, but it didn’t come without a cost. Meanwhile: Three whole Starks were together in the same scene for the first time since season one!
And Jaime? He appears to have taken a swim..
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Let’s be honest, 1997’s Spawn was a pretty terrible film on top of being an already terrible adaptation. Sure, John Leguizamo was kinda fun as Clown (when he wasn.